Assigned to WAG                                                                                               AS PASSED BY COMMITTEE






Fifty-Fourth Legislature, Second Regular Session





conservation districts; water conservation; awareness


            Expands the powers of a Natural Resource Conservation District (NRCD) to include surveys, investigations, research and programming relating to eradicating invasive vegetation and adds increasing public awareness of water conservation as an authorized method of increasing the knowledge of natural resources in Arizona through an NRCD education center.


            The greater of 25 landowners or 25 percent of the landowners within a geographic area of land may petition the State Land Commissioner to request organization of an NRCD. Statute outlines the powers of an NRCD, including studying and implementing demonstration projects and programming for farm and range practices, including soil character, erosion prevention, cultivation methods, eradication of noxious growths, seeding and cropping, land leveling and improvement, and watershed improvement (A.R.S. Title 37, Chapter 6).

            Statute authorizes an NRCD to organize and establish an education center to increase the knowledge of natural resources in Arizona through: 1) offering technical guidance and training to agricultural producers; 2) publishing scholarly materials; 3) providing educational and training opportunities, both inside and outside of the NRCD; and 4) conducting or sponsoring scientific studies that affect natural resources in Arizona (A.R.S. § 37-1054).

            There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.


1.      Includes surveys, investigations and research relating to eradicating invasive vegetation in an NRCD's power to conduct surveys, investigations and research.

2.      Includes methods of eradicating invasive vegetation in allowed NRCD programming in cooperation with landowners, operators or governmental entities.

3.      Adds, to authorized methods for an NRCD to increase the knowledge of natural resources in Arizona through the education center, increasing public awareness of water conservation statewide, including conservation methods and best management practices.

4.      Makes technical changes.

5.      Becomes effective on the general effective date.

Amendments Adopted by Committee

·         Expands the powers of an NRCD to include surveys, investigations, research and programming relating to eradicating invasive vegetation

House Action                                                              Senate Action

LAG                1/30/20      DP     7-0-0-0                    WAG              3/5/20       DPA       7-0-0

3rd Read          2/19/20                 60-0-0

Prepared by Senate Research

March 5, 2020
