Fifty-Fourth Legislature, Second Regular Session
public schools; innovation plans
Establishes procedures for a public school to become a school of innovation (SI). Outlines innovation plan (plan) requirements and the approval process.
Statute directs the State Board of Education (SBE) to exercise general supervision over the conduct of the public school system, to adopt any rules and policies it deems necessary to accomplish this purpose and delegates to the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) the execution of SBE policies and rules (A.R.S § 15-203).
The SPI duties include: 1) apportioning monies to each school district with gifted programs; 2) assisting school district governing boards to design, implement and evaluate programs for gifted pupils; and 3) encouraging the development of locally designed, innovative programs for gifted pupils (A.R.S. § 15-779.04).
The U.S. Department of Education's (USDE) Office of Innovation and Improvement identifies, supports and promotes innovative practices in education. The USDE's evidence-based innovative practices improve student achievement or student growth, close achievement gaps, decreases dropout rates and increases high school graduation and college enrollment and completion rates (United States Department of Education).
There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.
School Formation and Reporting Requirements
1. Requires a public school to submit a plan to the SPI to become a school of innovation.
2. Directs SBE to prescribe the requirements for a plan to include at least:
a) a statement of the school's mission and why designation as an SI would enhance the school's ability to achieve its mission and improve learning or enhance student academic opportunities;
b) a description of the innovative practices the school would like to implement and a plan for implementing them;
c) a description of the programs, policies or operations that a school would need to change to implement the innovative practice and a method for addressing them;
d) a detailed implementation timeline that is less than five years after SBE approval of the plan;
e) proof of a resolution adopted by the school district governing board (governing board) or charter school governing body (governing body) that:
i. supports the plan and the anticipated implementation timeline; and
ii. describes the resources and support the school will receive from the governing board or governing body to implement the plan;
f) documentation showing meaningful parental, educator and community engagement and capacity for the changes identified in the plan;
g) the formative, benchmark and summative assessments that will be used to monitor the progress and outcomes of the plan;
h) a description of the goals, identified performance indicators, implementation milestones and expected outcomes of the plan;
i) the long-term community outreach goals and stakeholder communication plans; and
j) any other materials required by SBE.
3. Requires ADE to develop an evaluation plan for SI's that includes:
a) performance measures, including:
i. student engagement;
ii. performance on formative, benchmark and state assessments;
iii. high school success; and
iv. postsecondary success;
b) instructional practices;
c) communication strategies relating to parents, teachers and the community;
d) requested and approved exemptions; and
e) statutes that hinder schools in fully implementing plans and the exemptions that are not allowed.
4. Requires ADE to identify in an evaluation plan:
a) the person that evaluates the SI; and
b) the data that SI's must submit to ADE.
5. Requires ADE to compile evaluation data in an annual report that includes:
a) findings;
b) implementation milestones and outcomes;
c) any recommended statutory changes;
d) requested and granted exemptions; and
e) statutes that hindered full implementation of the school's plan, and for which exemptions are not allowed.
6. Requires ADE, by September 1, to submit a report to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and SBE and provide a copy to the Secretary of State.
7. Allows a school to request an exemption in its plan from prescribed instructional hour requirements and any rules or policies that hinder fully implementing the school's plan.
8. Directs a school requesting an exemption to:
a) propose alternative solutions;
b) include a rationale of how each exemption supports the implementation of the plan; and
c) restrict its exemption request from any rule or policy regarding participation in the statewide assessment and in any state or federal accountability system.
9. Requires SBE to prescribe a process for an SI, requesting an exemption, to submit amendments to an approved plan.
10. Mandates that an SI is subject to all statutes, rules and policies that are not specifically exempted by SBE.
11. Deems any exemption granted by SBE applies for the duration of the plan and includes subsequent amendments or re-designation of statute, rules or policies, unless the amendment or resignation specifically applies to an SI.
12. Allows a school to request ADE include the statute in the evaluation if the statute hinders the full implementation of a school's plan and an exemption is not allowed.
Innovation Plan Approval
13. Requires the SPI, within 60 days after receiving a plan, to transmit it to SBE with a recommendation for approval or resubmission.
14. Requires SBE, within 60 days after receiving the plan from the SPI, to approve or reject the plan.
15. Requires SBE:
a) upon approving a plan for an initial five-year period, to specify in writing if any exemptions were approved; or
b) upon rejecting a plan, to explain in writing the reasons for rejecting a plan and allow a school to resubmit an amended plan.
16. Allows SBE to:
a) extend a plan's approval period by five years, if a school complies with SBE renewal procedures including any prescribed performance criteria on evaluations; or
b) revoke a school's innovation status, upon ADE's recommendation or based upon SBE findings, if the goals, performance, indicators or implementation milestones identified in the plan are not met.
Student Protection
17. Prohibits a school from penalizing a student, who transfers to another Arizona school by:
a) requiring the student to repeat coursework or content that the student demonstrated mastery of at the SI; and
b) changing any grade the student received at the SI.
18. Directs the Arizona Board of Regents and each community college district governing board to establish policies that ensure fair and equitable:
a) admission of graduates of SI's or other graduates with nontraditional diplomas and transcripts to community colleges and to state universities; and
b) access to scholarships and financial aid for graduates of SI's or other graduates with nontraditional diplomas and transcripts.
19. Requires SBE to adopt necessary rules for SI implementation.
20. Defines board as the State Board of Education.
21. Defines department as the Department of Education.
22. Defines innovation as a new or creative alternative to the existing instructional and administrative practices that is intended to improve learning or enhance academic opportunities for all students.
23. Defines school of innovation as a public school that submitted a plan that is approved by SBE.
24. Becomes effective on the general effective date.
House Action
ED 2/3/20 DP 10-1-2-0
3rd Read 2/18/20 31-29-0
Prepared by Senate Research
February 28, 2020