REFERENCE TITLE: schools; statewide assessment; grades




State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-fourth Legislature

Second Regular Session




HB 2344


Introduced by

Representatives Fillmore: Carroll





amending sections 15-741 and 15-741.02, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to school instruction.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 15-741, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-741.  Assessment of pupils

A.  The state board of education shall:

1.  Adopt rules for the purposes of this article pursuant to title 41, chapter 6.

2.  Adopt and implement a statewide assessment to measure pupil achievement of the state board-adopted academic standards in reading, writing and mathematics in at least four kindergarten programs and each of grades designated by the state board one through twelve.  The state board shall determine the manner of implementation in kindergarten programs and grades one through twelve.  The state board may administer assessments of the academic standards in social studies and science, except that a pupil shall not be required to meet or exceed the social studies or science standards measured by the statewide assessment.

3.  Ensure that the tests prescribed in this section are uniform throughout the this state.

4.  Ensure that the tests prescribed in this section are able to be scored in an objective manner and are not intended to advocate any sectarian, partisan or denominational viewpoint.

5.  Ensure that the tests prescribed in this article collect only types of pupil nontest data that are approved by the state board at a public meeting and published on the website of the state board pursuant to paragraph 7 of this subsection.

6.  Include within its budget all costs pertaining to the tests prescribed in this article.  If sufficient monies are appropriated, the state board may provide achievement test services to school districts that request assistance in testing pupils in grades additional to those required by this section.

7.  Survey teachers, principals and superintendents on achievement‑related nontest indicators, including information on graduation rates by ethnicity and dropout rates by ethnicity for each grade level.  Before the survey, the state board shall approve at a public meeting the nontest indicators on which data will be collected and shall post in a prominent position on the home page of the state board's website a link to the nontest indicators entitled "What nontest data does the state of Arizona collect about Arizona pupils?".  The linked web page shall state the types of data collected, the reasons for the collection of the data and the entities with which the data is shared.  In conducting the survey and collecting data, the state board shall not violate the provisions of the family educational rights and privacy act (P.L. 93‑380), as amended, or disclose personally identifiable information.

8.  Establish a fair and consistent method and standard by which test scores from schools in a district may be evaluated taking into consideration demographic data.  The state board shall establish intervention strategies to assist schools with scores below the acceptable standard.  The state board shall annually review district and school scores and shall offer assistance to school districts in analyzing data and implementing intervention strategies.  The state board shall use the adopted test and methods of data evaluation for a period of at least ten years.

9.  Participate in other assessments that provide national comparisons as needed.

10.  Require in the contract for the statewide assessment pursuant to this section that test scores and assessment data from the third grade reading portion of the statewide assessment adopted pursuant to this section be received by local education agencies on or before May 15 of each academic year and that the scores and assessment data from all other portions of the statewide assessment adopted pursuant to this section be received by local education agencies on or before May 25 of each academic year.  The state board shall impose penalties on the contractor for scores received after these dates.

B.  The achievement tests adopted by the state board of education  as provided in subsection A of this section shall be given at least annually.  Nontest indicator data and other information shall be collected at the same time as the collection of achievement test data.

C.  Local school district governing boards shall:

1.  Administer the tests prescribed in subsection A of this section.

2.  Survey teachers, principals and superintendents on achievement‑related nontest indicator data as required by the state board, including information related to district graduation and dropout rates.  In conducting the survey and collecting data, the governing board shall not violate the provisions of the family educational rights and privacy act (P.L. 93‑380), as amended, or disclose personally identifiable information.

D.  Any additional assessments for high school pupils that are adopted by the state board after November 24, 2009 shall be designed to measure college and career readiness of pupils.

E.  A test for penmanship shall not be required pursuant to this article.

F.  If a local education agency requests a raw data file of assessment data for the pupils tested at the local education agency, the department of education shall fulfill the request in a format that is usable for assessment diagnostics within thirty days after the request.  The local education agency shall follow all applicable student data privacy laws and may not publicly disclose individual student achievement results.

G.  On request, a school district or charter school may administer the statewide assessment in the form of a written test.

H.  Beginning in the 2020‑2021 school year, the statewide assessment shall consist of at least three nationally recognized college entrance examinations selected by the state board of education and assessments from a national assessment of educational progress selected by the state board. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 15-741.02, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-741.02.  Menu of achievement assessments; requirements; rules; definition

A.  The state board of education shall adopt a menu of achievement assessments to measure pupil achievement of the state academic standards. Beginning in the 2018‑2019 school year, each local education agency that offers instruction in grades nine through twelve may select from that menu an achievement assessment to administer to the pupils in that local education agency in grades designated by the state board instead of the statewide assessment to measure pupil achievement adopted by the state board pursuant to section 15‑741.  No Not later than the 2023‑2024 school year, each local education agency that offers instruction in kindergarten programs and grades three one through eight may select from that menu an achievement assessment to administer to the pupils in that local education agency instead of the statewide assessment to measure pupil achievement adopted by the state board pursuant to section 15‑741.  The department of education shall provide adequate staff support for the state board to comply with this section.

B.  An achievement assessment in use by a local education agency that is not on the menu of assessments by March 1, 2018 may be added to the menu at the request of the local education agency and shall be approved by the state board of education if the assessment is nationally recognized, a qualifying college credit examination pursuant to section 15‑249.06 or an assessment adopted pursuant to section 15‑792.03.  The state board may approve any other assessment if the assessment meets the requirements of subsection E of this section.  The state board shall evaluate assessments that are not on the menu pursuant to this section annually and shall notify local education agencies of the results on or before May 1 of each year.

C.  A local education agency that selects an achievement assessment pursuant to this section meets the requirements prescribed in section 15‑741.  The local education agency shall include the name of the assessment it administers in the school report card required in section 15‑746 and administer the assessment for a minimum period of time prescribed by the state board of education.

D.  The state board of education shall adopt policies, rules and procedures to carry out this section.  Any policy, rule or procedure adopted pursuant to this subsection may not require a local education agency to receive additional approval from the state board or the department of education to select an assessment from the menu of assessments.  A local education agency that adopts an achievement assessment pursuant to this section shall provide the necessary reasonable accommodations for a student who is an English language learner and the necessary accommodations and modifications for a student as required by the student's individualized education program team.

E.  The state board of education shall require that the provider of an achievement assessment that is proposed for the menu of achievement assessments do all of the following:

1.  Provide evidence that the assessment is a high quality assessment.

2.  Demonstrate that the assessment meets or exceeds the level of rigor of the state board's adopted academic standards.

3.  Demonstrate that the assessment scores can be scaled for state accountability programs including establishing comparable student performance levels for achievement profiles and letter grade classifications issued pursuant to section 15‑241.

4.  Submit an evaluation from a third party approved by the state board that shows the assessment meets the requirements prescribed in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this subsection.

5.  Provide a copy of assessment scores to the department of education when scores are provided to the partnering local education agency.

F.  For the purposes of this section, "nationally recognized" means accepted by universities for the purposes of awarding college credit or admissions. END_STATUTE