REFERENCE TITLE: water; substitute acreage





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-fourth Legislature

Second Regular Session





HB 2674


Introduced by

Representatives Griffin: Bowers, Dunn, Nutt





amending Title 45, chapter 1, article 6, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding sections 45-172.01 and 45-172.02; relating to waters.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Title 45, chapter 1, article 6, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding sections 45-172.01 and 45-172.02, to read:

START_STATUTE45-172.01.  Flood damaged acres; substitution of acres; definition

A.  a person who owns acres of land that may be irrigated lawfully may permanently retire those acres from irrigation and substitute for those acres the same number of acres in the same CONTIGUOUS farming unit if the owner demonstrates to the director's satisfaction that both of the following apply:

1.  The legally irrigated acres were damaged by floodwaters after being irrigated.

2.  It is not economically feasible to restore the flood damaged acres to irrigation use.

b.  The substitution of acres as prescribed in this section does not affect the person's existing or vested rights to the use of water, and any water diverted or used after the substitution of acres shall not exceed the vested rights to water that exist at the time of SUBSTITUTION.  Notwithstanding section 45-172, a person shall not sever a water right and transfer it from the substitute acres.

C.  For the purposes of this section, "Floodwaters" means a temporary and erosive overflow of waters on lands that are not normally covered by water and that occurred after January 1, 1975. END_STATUTE

START_STATUTE45-172.02.  Impediments to efficient irrigation; substitution of acres; definition

A.  A person who owns acres of land that are contiguous and that may be irrigated lawfully may apply to the director to permanently retire a portion of those acres from irrigation and substitute for the retired acres the same number of acres.  The director may approve the substitution of acres if the owner demonstrates to the director's satisfaction that all of the following apply:

1.  A limiting condition associated with the acres to be retired from irrigation substantially impedes the implementation of efficient irrigation practices on the legally irrigated acres.

2.  The substitution of acres will substantially reduce the limiting condition and will substantially facilitate the implementation of efficient irrigation practices.

3.  The substitute acres are within the same farm unit as the legally irrigated acres that will not be retired.

4.  If the acres to be retired are located within the exterior boundaries of an irrigation district, the substitute acres must be located within the exterior boundaries of the same irrigation district.

5.  The area of land within the substitute acres that is physically capable of being irrigated at the time the application for substitution of acres is filed does not exceed the area of land within the acres to be retired that is physically capable of being irrigated at the time the application for substitution of acres is filed.

6.  The acres of land are contiguous.

b.  The substitution of acres as prescribed in this section does not affect the person's existing or vested rights to the use of water and any water diverted or used after the substitution of acres shall not exceed the vested rights to water that exist at the time of SUBSTITUTION.  Notwithstanding section 45-172, a person shall not sever a water right and transfer it from the substitute acres.

C.  For the purposes of this section, "limiting condition" means any condition that limits the achievement of efficient irrigation on the lawfully irrigated acres, including irregularly shaped legally irrigated acres and poor quality soils. END_STATUTE