REFERENCE TITLE: ports of entry; seven-day entry





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-fourth Legislature

Second Regular Session





HCM 2008


Introduced by

Representatives Shope: Campbell, Fernandez, Gabaldón, Griffin, Hernandez A, Hernandez D, Nutt, Osborne, Peten, Weninger





urging the united states congress to provide for arizona's ports of entry to remain open seven days a week.





To the Congress of the United States of America:

Your memorialist represents:

Whereas, fresh fruit and vegetable imports from Mexico comprise 45% of commercial imports into Arizona from Mexico and are of significant economic importance to this state's agricultural industry; and

Whereas, the State of Texas has four ports of entry offering agricultural imports seven days a week, and the State of California has two ports of entry offering imports seven days a week; and

Whereas, Arizona's ports of entry lack seven-day-a-week service for importing agricultural and other commercial products, putting this state at a significant disadvantage when compared to neighboring states; and

Whereas, allowing Arizona's international ports of entry to remain open seven days a week for commercial imports into this state would level the playing field and provide this state with the means to be a competitive player in the agricultural and other industries.

Wherefore your memorialist, the House of Representatives of the State of Arizona, the Senate concurring, prays:

1.  That the United States Congress take all steps necessary to allow Arizona's international ports of entry to remain open seven days week.

2.  That the Secretary of State of the State of Arizona transmit copies of this Memorial to the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives and each Member of Congress from the State of Arizona.