REFERENCE TITLE: objecting to Medicare for All





State of Arizona


Fifty-fourth Legislature

Second Regular Session




SCR 1047


Introduced by

Senator Mesnard



A concurrent RESOLUTION


objecting to efforts to implement a medicare for all system of health insurance.





Whereas, the finance mechanism for Medicare for All would place an enormous burden on the taxpayers of this country.  Funded by payroll taxes, income taxes, income-based premiums and fees on major financial institutions, Medicare for All would have significant consequences on economic growth and stability; and

Whereas, estimated costs for a single-payer system are approximately $32.6 trillion over 10 years; and

Whereas, more than 180 million Americans receive their health coverage through their employer, and a recent nationwide poll conducted by America's Health Insurance Plan indicates that more than 70% of Americans are satisfied with the health insurance coverage they receive through their employer and 56% indicated employer-sponsored health care coverage as a key factor in remaining with their employer.  A single-payer health care system would have a disproportionate impact on small employers who would be incentivized to drop coverage for their employees.  Studies project that a single-payer system would result in millions of workers who were previously offered employee-sponsored health care insurance losing access to insurance through their employer; and

Whereas, studies show that a government-run health program would create the largest cut to hospital systems in our nation's history, at nearly $800 billion, which will disrupt employer-based and nongroup health insurance markets and eliminate patient choice in providers benefit coverage, such as prescription drug coverage.  Operating at an 867% reimbursement rate across the board will result in facilities being forced to cut services and compromise the health care infrastructure in rural areas of the country; and

Whereas, government-based reimbursement rates under a Medicare for All system would negatively impact network participation and jeopardize access to quality care for seniors and vulnerable populations.  The Congressional Budget Office estimates the current cost of Medicare will increase our gross domestic product from 3.5% to 6.8% in 30 years due to the existing rise in medical costs and aging population.  Expanding the Medicare program to all citizens would shift the primary focus of care away from our seniors and place extensive new demands on their medical networks; and

Whereas, with universal coverage and zero copays, health care service demands will exponentially create provider supply constraints.  A RAND analysis finds that provider willingness and ability to provide services would be limited, resulting in longer wait times for services.  With potentially no copayments, deductibles and cost sharing requirements, cost containment will be difficult to achieve.


Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Arizona, the House of Representatives concurring:

That the Members of the Legislature strongly oppose a single-payer, mandated Medicare for All health insurance plan and express their desire that the Arizona Congressional delegation vote against any measures that would increase taxes on the citizens of Arizona, eliminate patient choice or compromise the quality of health care in our state.