Fifty-fourth Legislature                                            Public Safety

Second Regular Session                                                  H.B. 2114




(Reference to printed bill)




Page 1, line 4, strike "appeal" insert "request for reconsideration"

Line 6, strike "may" insert "shall"

Line 8, strike "intends to place" insert "places"

Line 10, strike "certified mail, return receipt requested," insert "mail and email"

Strike lines 11 through 15, insert "mailing address and email address for the officer's current or last known employer.  On receipt, the officer's current or last known employer shall provide the written notice and all attached materials to the officer if the officer's contact information is available."

Line 16, strike "must" insert "shall"

Line 20, strike "appeal" insert "request a reconsideration of"

Lines 23 and 24, strike "appeal" insert "request for reconsideration"

Line 27, strike the first "appeal" insert "request a reconsideration of"; strike the second "appeal" insert "request for reconsideration"

Line 28, strike "five" insert "ten"

Line 29, strike "an appeal" insert "a request for reconsideration"

Lines 31 and 32, strike "appeal" insert "request for reconsideration"

Line 33, strike "may" insert "shall"; strike "appeal" insert "request for reconsideration"

Line 34, strike "shall" insert "may"

Lines 35 and 36, strike "an appeal" insert "a request for reconsideration"

Line 37, strike "shall" insert "may"

Page 1, after line 44, insert:

            "3.  A requirement that the prosecuting agency provide notice of the agency's intent to place the officer's name in the rule 15.1 database to the officer's current or last known place of employment."

Renumber to conform

Page 2, line 1, strike "appeal" insert "request a reconsideration of"

Lines 3 and 6, strike "appeal" insert "request for reconsideration"

Line 7, strike "The" insert "This section does not limit the duty of a"; strike "shall" insert "to"

Line 10, after the first comma insert "after ten years from the date that the officer's name is placed in the rule 15.1 database"

Line 20, strike "the sole" insert "a"

Amend title to conform








11:25 AM