Fifty-fourth Legislature                                                 Commerce

Second Regular Session                                                  S.B. 1400




(Reference to the proposed Ugenti‑Rita s/e amendment dated 2/18/20; 3:43 p.m.)


Page 18, strike lines 11 through 32

Strike pages 19 and 20

Page 21, strike lines 1 through 19

Renumber to conform

Page 33, line 16, after "A." insert "A person may not sell tobacco products, alternative nicotine products or electronic smoking devices in this state without a license issued pursuant to this article."

Page 46, between lines 16 and 17, insert:

"START_STATUTE4-404.  Restrictions on licensing premises near schools or church buildings; exception

A.  The department may not issue a license to sell tobacco products, alternative nicotine products or electronic smoking devices for any premises that are, at the time the license application is received by the director, within three hundred horizontal feet of a church, within three hundred horizontal feet of a public or private school building with kindergarten programs or any of grades one through twelve or within three hundred horizontal feet of a fenced recreational area adjacent to such a school building.

B.  Subsection A of this section does not apply to an initial license or a renewal of a license to sell tobacco products, alternative nicotine products or electronic smoking devices at a location in this state that was selling tobacco products, alternative nicotine products or electronic smoking devices on August 1, 2020."END_STATUTE

Line 17, strike "4-404." insert "4‑405."

Page 47, line 17, strike "4‑405." insert "4‑406."

Page 48, line 1, strike "4‑406." insert "4‑407."

Line 9, strike "4‑407." insert "4‑408."

Line 19, strike "4‑408." insert "4‑409."

Page 52, line 31, after "is" strike remainder of line

Strike line 32

Page 53, strike lines 1 through 5, insert "enclosed on all sides by permanent or temporary walls or windows (exclusive of doorways), which extend from the floor to the ceiling.  Enclosed area"

Page 54, line 26, strike "including marijuana,"

Page 56, strike lines 1 and 2, insert:

"4.  Veterans and fraternal clubs when they are not open to the general public."

Renumber to conform

Strike lines 8 through 10, insert:

"7.  A theatrical performance upon on a stage or in the course of a film or television production if the smoking is part of the performance or production."

Amend title to conform







02:51 PM