First Regular Session S.B. 1377
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 1, lines 9 and 14, after "volunteer" insert ", patient"
Line 16, strike "with" insert "and the failure to act or action was due to that person's or provider's"
Line 18, strike "B."; strike "and"
Line 19, strike "to have" insert "if the person or provider"; strike "or practices if the" insert "related to the public health pandemic."
Strike lines 20 through 25
Reletter to conform
Line 26, after "all" strike remainder of line insert "claims that are filed before or"
Lines 28 and 29, strike "and before December 30, 2022"
Page 2, line 2, after "32-3201" insert ", including a person who is supervised by the health professional in the course of providing health care services"
Line 11, after "is" insert "alleged to be"
Line 12, strike "sustained because of" insert "caused by"
Line 16, strike "with" insert "and the failure to act or action was due to that health professional's or health care institution's"
Line 19, strike "occurs" insert "is alleged to have occurred"
Line 27, after "a" insert "procedure that the health professional determined in good faith was a"
Page 3, line 3, after "all" strike remainder of line insert "claims that are filed before or"
Lines 5 and 6, strike "and before December 30, 2022"
Page 3, line 12, after "36-401" insert "and includes an ambulance service as defined in section 36-2201"
Line 14, after "32-3201" insert "and includes an ambulance attendant as defined in section 36-2201"
Amend title to conform