State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: H.B. 2295

            Petersen Floor Amendment

            Reference to: House engrossed bill

            Amendment drafted by: Leg Council





1.   States that a prosecuting agency that is unable to provide notice 10 days before making a determination to place a law enforcement officer’s name in a rule 15.1 database must provide the notice as soon as practicable.

2.   Specifies that the duty of a prosecuting agency to produce rule 15.1 disclosure information includes initial placement of a law enforcement officer in the database while being considered for placement.

3.   Provides that a prosecuting agency must use the rule 15.1 database only to make a charging decision rather than a report that is required by applicable state and federal laws and rules.


Fifty-fifth Legislature                                                  Petersen

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2295




(Reference to House engrossed bill)




Page 1, line 6, after "days" insert ", or as soon as practicable,"; strike "considers placing" insert "makes a determination to place"

Lines 10 and 11, strike "and if the law enforcement officer's contact information is available"

Line 12, strike "provide" insert "send"

Line 13, strike "officer" insert "officer's current or last known address"

Lines 28 and 29, strike "and if the law enforcement officer's contact information is available"

Line 30, strike "provide" insert "send"; strike "officer" insert "officer's current or last known address"

Page 2, line 15, after "days" insert ", or as soon as practicable,"; strike "intends to consider placing" insert "makes a determination to place"

Line 32, after "by" insert "the United states Constitution, the Arizona constitution and"

Line 33, after "procedure" insert ", including after the initial placement of the law enforcement officer's name in the rule 15.1 database while the decision or a request for reconsideration is still under consideration"

Page 3, strike lines 10 through 14, insert:

"J. A prosecuting agency shall use the rule 15.1 database for only the following purposes:

1. To make a charging decision.

2. To disclose information that is required by:

(a) The United States constitution.

(b) The Arizona constitution.

(c) Rule 15.1 of the Arizona rules of criminal procedure and any other rule that is adopted by the supreme court.

(d) Title 39, chapter 1, article 2.

3. Any other legal obligation."

Amend title to conform







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