House Engrossed

nuclear emergency management; appropriations; assessments




State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-fifth Legislature

First Regular Session











amending section 26-306.02, Arizona Revised Statutes; appropriating monies; relating to the nuclear emergency management fund.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Section 26-306.02, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE26-306.02. Nuclear emergency management fund; exemption; appropriation reduction

A. The nuclear emergency management fund is established consisting of monies appropriated by the legislature under section 26-306.01.  The division shall use the fund for administering and enforcing the state plan for off-site response to an emergency caused by an accident at a commercial nuclear generating station.

B. Monies in the fund are appropriated for use by the division as provided in this section. Monies deposited in the fund are exempt from section 35-190 relating to lapsing of appropriations, except that any monies remaining unexpended and unencumbered at the end of each fiscal year from the distributions made from the fund to the division of emergency management of the department of emergency and military affairs and the Arizona department of agriculture and the department of health services and for disbursements to departments and agencies of Maricopa county revert to the nuclear emergency management fund and shall be used to reduce the assessment and appropriation to the fund for the following fiscal years. The reduction in the appropriation for each applicable agency shall be equal to the amount of monies reverted to the fund by each agency. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2. Appropriations; nuclear emergency management fund

Pursuant to section 26-306.01 and section 26-306.02, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by this act, the sum of $2,210,929 in fiscal year 2021-2022 and the sum of $2,267,935 in fiscal year 2022-2023 are appropriated from the nuclear emergency management fund established by section 26-306.02, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by this act, as follows:

1. For use by the division of emergency management of the department of emergency and military affairs as provided in section 26-306.02, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by this act, the sum of $1,167,392 and 8.5 full-time equivalent positions in fiscal year 2021-2022 and the sum of $1,202,414 and 8.5 full-time equivalent positions in fiscal year 2022-2023.

2. For use by the Arizona department of agriculture for programs relating to off-site nuclear emergency response plans, the sum of $280,512 and 2.88 full-time equivalent positions in fiscal year 2021-2022 and the sum of $280,512 and 2.88 full-time equivalent positions in fiscal year 2022-2023.

3. For disbursement by the division of emergency management of the department of emergency and military affairs to departments and agencies of Maricopa county assigned responsibilities under the off-site nuclear emergency response plan, the sum of $690,925 in fiscal year 2021-2022 and the sum of $710,709 in fiscal year 2022-2023.

4. For disbursement by the division of emergency management of the department of emergency and military affairs to departments and agencies of the town of Buckeye that are assigned responsibilities under the off-site nuclear emergency response plan, the sum of $72,100 in fiscal year 2021-2022 and the sum of $74,300 in fiscal year 2022-2023.

Sec. 3. Assessments

Pursuant to section 26-306.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, the sum of $2,210,929 in fiscal year 2021-2022 and the sum of $2,267,935 in fiscal year 2022-2023, plus any applicable interest, are assessed against each consortium of public service corporations and municipal corporations engaged in constructing or operating a commercial nuclear generating station in this state.

Sec. 4. Emergency

This act is an emergency measure that is necessary to preserve the public peace, health or safety and is operative immediately as provided by law.