REFERENCE TITLE: credit for donation





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-fifth Legislature

First Regular Session





HB 2922


Introduced by

Representative Cobb





Amending sections 43-222, 43-1089.02 and 43-1121, Arizona Revised Statutes; amending title 43, chapter 11, article 6, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding section 43-1181; relating to income tax.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Section 43-222, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-222. Income tax credit review schedule

The joint legislative income tax credit review committee shall review the following income tax credits:

1. For years ending in 0 and 5, sections 43-1079.01, 43-1087, 43-1088, 43-1089.04, 43-1167.01 and 43-1175.

2. For years ending in 1 and 6, sections 43-1072.02, 43-1074.02, 43-1083, 43-1083.02, 43-1164.03 and 43-1183.

3. For years ending in 2 and 7, sections 43-1073, 43-1085, 43-1086, 43-1089, 43-1089.01, 43-1089.02, 43-1089.03, 43-1164, and 43-1169 and 43-1181.

4. For years ending in 3 and 8, sections 43-1074.01, 43-1081, 43-1168, 43-1170 and 43-1178.

5. For years ending in 4 and 9, sections 43-1073.01, 43-1076, 43-1081.01, 43-1083.03, 43-1084, 43-1164.04, 43-1164.05 and 43-1184. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2. Section 43-1089.02, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1089.02. Credit for donation of school site

A. A credit is allowed against the taxes imposed by this title in the amount of thirty percent of the value of real property and improvements donated by the taxpayer to a school district or a charter school for use as a school or as a site for the construction of a school.

B. To qualify for the credit:

1. The real property and improvements must be located in this state.

2. The real property and improvements must be conveyed unencumbered and in fee simple, except that:

(a) The conveyance must include as a deed restriction and protective covenant running with title to the land the requirement that as long as the donee holds title to the property the property shall only be used only as a school or as a site for the construction of a school, subject to subsection I or J of this section.

(b) In the case of a donation to a charter school, the donor shall record a lien on the property as provided by subsection J, paragraph 3 of this section.

3. The conveyance shall not violate section 15-341, subsection D or section 15-183, subsection U.

C. For the purposes of this section, the value of the donated property is the property's fair market value as determined in an appraisal as defined in section 32-3601 that is conducted by an independent party and that is paid for by the donee.

D. If the property is donated by co-owners, including individual partners in a partnership and shareholders of an S corporation as defined in section 1361 of the internal revenue code, each donor may claim only the pro rata share of the allowable credit under this section based on the ownership interest. If the property is donated by a husband and wife who file separate returns for a taxable year in which they could have filed a joint return, they may determine between them the share of the credit each will claim.  The total of the credits allowed all co-owner donors may not exceed the allowable credit.

E. If the allowable tax credit exceeds the taxes otherwise due under this title on the claimant's income, or if there are no taxes due under this title, the taxpayer may carry the amount of the claim not used to offset the taxes under this title forward for not more than five consecutive taxable years' income tax liability.

F. The credit under this section is in lieu of any deduction pursuant to section 170 of the internal revenue code taken for state tax purposes.

G. On written request by the donee, the donor shall disclose in writing to the donee the amount of the credit allowed pursuant to this section with respect to the property received by the donee.

H. A school district or charter school may refuse the donation of any property for purposes of this section.

I. If the donee is a school district:

1. The district shall notify the school facilities board established by section 15-2001 and furnish the board with any information the board requests regarding the donation. A school district shall not accept a donation pursuant to this section unless the school facilities board has reviewed the proposed donation and has issued a written determination that the real property and improvements are suitable as a school site or as a school. The school facilities board shall issue a determination that the real property and improvements are not suitable as a school site or as a school if the expenses that would be necessary to make the property suitable as a school site or as a school exceed the value of the proposed donation.

2. The district may sell any donated property pursuant to section 15-342, but the proceeds from the sale shall only be used only for capital projects. The school facilities board shall withhold an amount that corresponds to the amount of the proceeds from any monies that would otherwise be due the school district from the school facilities board pursuant to section 15-2041.

J. If the donee is a charter school:

1. The charter school shall:

(a) Immediately notify the sponsor of the charter school by certified mail and shall furnish the sponsor with any information requested by the sponsor regarding the donation during the ten year ten-year period after the conveyance is recorded.

(b) Notify the sponsor by certified mail, and the sponsor shall notify the state treasurer, in the event of the charter school's financial failure or if the charter school:

(i) Fails to establish a charter school on the property within forty-eight months after the conveyance is recorded.

(ii) Fails to provide instruction to pupils on the property within forty-eight months after the conveyance is recorded.

(iii) Establishes a charter school on the property but subsequently ceases to operate the charter school on the property for twenty-four consecutive months or fails to provide instruction to pupils on the property for twenty-four consecutive months.

2. The charter school, or a successor in interest, shall pay to the state treasurer the amount of the credit allowed under this section, or if that amount is unknown, the amount of the allowable credit under this section, if any of the circumstances listed in paragraph 1, subdivision (b) of this subsection occurs.  If the amount is not paid within one year after the treasurer receives notice under paragraph 1, subdivision (b) of this subsection, a penalty and interest shall be added, determined pursuant to title 42, chapter 1, article 3.

3. A tax credit under this section constitutes a lien on the property, which the donor must record along with the title to the property to qualify for the credit.  The amount of the lien is the amount of the allowable credit under this section, adjusted according to the average change in the GDP price deflator, as defined in section 41-563, for each calendar year since the donation, but not exceeding twelve and one-half percent more than the allowable credit. The lien is subordinate to any liens securing the financing of the school construction. The lien is extinguished on the earliest of the following:

(a) Ten years after the lien is recorded. After that date, the charter school, or a successor in interest, may request the state treasurer to release the lien.

(b) On payment to the state treasurer by the donee charter school, or by a successor in interest, of the amount of the allowable credit under this section, either voluntarily or as required by paragraph 2 of this subsection. After the required amount is paid, the charter school or successor in interest may request the state treasurer to release the lien.

(c) On conveyance of fee simple title to the property to a school district.

(d) On enforcement and satisfaction of the lien pursuant to paragraph 4 of this subsection.

4. The state treasurer shall enforce the lien by foreclosure within one year after receiving notice of any of the circumstances described in paragraph 1, subdivision (b) of this subsection.

5. Subject to paragraphs 3 and 4 of this subsection, the charter school may sell any donated property. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3. Section 43-1121, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1121. Additions to Arizona gross income; corporations

In computing Arizona taxable income for a corporation, the following amounts shall be added to Arizona gross income:

1. The amount of interest income received on obligations of any state, territory or possession of the United States, or any political subdivision thereof, located outside this state, reduced, for taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 1996, by the amount of any interest on indebtedness and other related expenses that were incurred or continued to purchase or carry those obligations and that are not otherwise deducted or subtracted in arriving at Arizona gross income.

2. The excess of a partner's share of partnership taxable income required to be included under chapter 14, article 2 of this title over the income required to be reported under section 702(a)(8) of the internal revenue code.

3. The excess of a partner's share of partnership losses determined pursuant to section 702(a)(8) of the internal revenue code over the losses allowable under chapter 14, article 2 of this title.

4. The amount of any depreciation allowance allowed pursuant to section 167(a) of the internal revenue code to the extent not previously added.

5. The amount of dividend income received from corporations and allowed as a deduction pursuant to sections 243, 245, 245A and 250(a)(1)(B) of the internal revenue code.

6. Taxes that are based on income paid to states, local governments or foreign governments and that were deducted in computing federal taxable income.

7. Expenses and interest relating to tax-exempt income on indebtedness incurred or continued to purchase or carry obligations the interest on which is wholly exempt from the tax imposed by this title.  Financial institutions, as defined in section 6-101, shall be governed by section 43-961, paragraph 2.

8. Commissions, rentals and other amounts paid or accrued to a domestic international sales corporation controlled by the payor corporation if the domestic international sales corporation is not required to report its taxable income to this state because its income is not derived from or attributable to sources within this state. If the domestic international sales corporation is subject to article 4 of this chapter, the department shall prescribe by rule the method of determining the portion of the commissions, rentals and other amounts that are paid or accrued to the controlled domestic international sales corporation and that shall be deducted by the payor.  For the purposes of this paragraph, "control" means direct or indirect ownership or control of fifty percent or more of the voting stock of the domestic international sales corporation by the payor corporation.

9. The amount of net operating loss taken pursuant to section 172 of the internal revenue code.

10. The amount of exploration expenses determined pursuant to section 617 of the internal revenue code to the extent that they exceed $75,000 and to the extent that the election is made to defer those expenses not in excess of $75,000.

11. Amortization of costs incurred to install pollution control devices and deducted pursuant to the internal revenue code or the amount of deduction for depreciation taken pursuant to the internal revenue code on pollution control devices for which an election is made pursuant to section 43-1129.

12. The amount of depreciation or amortization of costs of child care facilities deducted pursuant to section 167 or 188 of the internal revenue code for which an election is made to amortize pursuant to section 43-1130.

13. The loss of an insurance company that is exempt under section 43-1201 to the extent that it is included in computing Arizona gross income on a consolidated return pursuant to section 43-947.

14. The amount by which the depreciation or amortization computed under the internal revenue code with respect to property for which a credit was taken under section 43-1169 exceeds the amount of depreciation or amortization computed pursuant to the internal revenue code on the Arizona adjusted basis of the property.

15. The amount by which the adjusted basis computed under the internal revenue code with respect to property for which a credit was claimed under section 43-1169 and that is sold or otherwise disposed of during the taxable year exceeds the adjusted basis of the property computed under section 43-1169.

16. The amount by which the depreciation or amortization computed under the internal revenue code with respect to property for which a credit was taken under section 43-1170 exceeds the amount of depreciation or amortization computed pursuant to the internal revenue code on the Arizona adjusted basis of the property.

17. The amount by which the adjusted basis computed under the internal revenue code with respect to property for which a credit was claimed under section 43-1170 and that is sold or otherwise disposed of during the taxable year exceeds the adjusted basis of the property computed under section 43-1170.

18. The deduction referred to in section 1341(a)(4) of the internal revenue code for restoration of a substantial amount held under a claim of right.

19. The amount by which a capital loss carryover allowable pursuant to section 1341(b)(5) of the internal revenue code exceeds the capital loss carryover allowable pursuant to section 43-1130.01, subsection F.

20. Any wage expenses deducted pursuant to the internal revenue code for which a credit is claimed under section 43-1175 and representing net increases in qualified employment positions for employment of temporary assistance for needy families recipients.

21. Any amount of expenses that were deducted pursuant to the internal revenue code and for which a credit is claimed under section 43-1178.

22. Any amount deducted pursuant to section 170 of the internal revenue code representing contributions to a school tuition organization for which a credit is claimed under section 43-1183 or 43-1184.

23. If a subtraction is or has been taken by the taxpayer under section 43-1124, in the current or a prior taxable year for the full amount of eligible access expenditures paid or incurred to comply with the requirements of the Americans with disabilities act of 1990 (P.L. 101-336) or title 41, chapter 9, article 8, any amount of eligible access expenditures that is recognized under the internal revenue code, including any amount that is amortized according to federal amortization schedules, and that is included in computing Arizona taxable income for the current taxable year.

24. For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2017, the amount of any net capital loss included in Arizona gross income for the taxable year that is derived from the exchange of one kind of legal tender for another kind of legal tender. For the purposes of this paragraph:

(a) "Legal tender" means a medium of exchange, including specie, that is authorized by the United States Constitution or Congress to pay debts, public charges, taxes and dues.

(b) "Specie" means coins having precious metal content.

25. The amount of any deduction that is claimed in computing Arizona gross income and that represents a donation of a school site for which a credit is claimed under section 43-1181. END_STATUTE

Sec. 4. Title 43, chapter 11, article 6, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 43-1181, to read:

START_STATUTE43-1181. Credit for donation of school site

A. A credit is allowed against the taxes imposed by this title in the amount of thirty percent of the value of real property and improvements donated by the taxpayer to a school district or a charter school for use as a school or as a site for the construction of a school.

B. To qualify for the credit:

1. The real property and improvements must be located in this state.

2. The real property and improvements must be conveyed unencumbered and in fee simple, except that:

(a) The conveyance must include as a deed restriction and protective covenant running with title to the land the requirement that as long as the donee holds title to the property the property shall be used only as a school or as a site for the construction of a school, subject to subsection I or J of this section.

(b) In the case of a donation to a charter school, the donor shall record a lien on the property as provided by subsection J, paragraph 3 of this section.

3. The conveyance shall not violate section 15-341, subsection D or section 15-183, subsection U.

C. For the purposes of this section, the value of the donated property is the property's fair market value as determined in an appraisal as defined in section 32-3601 that is conducted by an independent party and that is paid for by the donee.

D. If the property is donated by co-owners, including corporate partners in a partnership, each donor may claim only the pro rata share of the allowable credit under this section based on the ownership interest. The total of the credits allowed all co-owner donors may not exceed the allowable credit.

E. If the allowable tax credit exceeds the taxes otherwise due under this title on the claimant's income, or if there are no taxes due under this title, the taxpayer may carry the amount of the claim not used to offset the taxes under this title forward for not more than five consecutive taxable years' income tax liability.

F. The credit under this section is in lieu of any deduction pursuant to section 170 of the internal revenue code taken for state tax purposes.

G. On written request by the donee, the donor shall disclose in writing to the donee the amount of the credit allowed pursuant to this section with respect to the property received by the donee.

H. A school district or charter school may refuse the donation of any property for purposes of this section.

I. If the donee is a school district:

1. The district shall notify the school facilities board established by section 15-2001 and furnish the board with any information the board requests regarding the donation. A school district shall not accept a donation pursuant to this section unless the school facilities board has reviewed the proposed donation and has issued a written determination that the real property and improvements are suitable as a school site or as a school. The school facilities board shall issue a determination that the real property and improvements are not suitable as a school site or as a school if the expenses that would be necessary to make the property suitable as a school site or as a school exceed the value of the proposed donation.

2. The district may sell any donated property pursuant to section 15-342, but the proceeds from the sale shall be used only for capital projects. The school facilities board shall withhold an amount that corresponds to the amount of the proceeds from any monies that would otherwise be due the school district from the school facilities board pursuant to section 15-2041.

J. If the donee is a charter school:

1. The charter school shall:

(a) Immediately notify the sponsor of the charter school by certified mail and shall furnish the sponsor with any information requested by the sponsor regarding the donation during the ten-year period after the conveyance is recorded.

(b) Notify the sponsor by certified mail, and the sponsor shall notify the state treasurer, in the event of the charter school's financial failure or if the charter school:

(i) Fails to establish a charter school on the property within forty-eight months after the conveyance is recorded.

(ii) Fails to provide instruction to pupils on the property within forty-eight months after the conveyance is recorded.

(iii) Establishes a charter school on the property but subsequently ceases to operate the charter school on the property for twenty-four consecutive months or fails to provide instruction to pupils on the property for twenty-four consecutive months.

2. The charter school, or a successor in interest, shall pay to the state treasurer the amount of the credit allowed under this section, or if that amount is unknown, the amount of the allowable credit under this section, if any of the circumstances listed in paragraph 1, subdivision (b) of this subsection occurs. If the amount is not paid within one year after the treasurer receives notice under paragraph 1, subdivision (b) of this subsection, a penalty and interest shall be added, determined pursuant to title 42, chapter 1, article 3.

3. A tax credit under this section constitutes a lien on the property, which the donor must record along with the title to the property to qualify for the credit. The amount of the lien is the amount of the allowable credit under this section, adjusted according to the average change in the GDP price deflator, as defined in section 41-563, for each calendar year since the donation, but not exceeding twelve and one-half percent more than the allowable credit. The lien is subordinate to any liens securing the financing of the school construction. The lien is extinguished on the earliest of the following:

(a) Ten years after the lien is recorded. After that date, the charter school, or a successor in interest, may request the state treasurer to release the lien.

(b) On payment to the state treasurer by the donee charter school, or by a successor in interest, of the amount of the allowable credit under this section, either voluntarily or as required by paragraph 2 of this subsection. After the required amount is paid, the charter school or successor in interest may request the state treasurer to release the lien.

(c) On conveyance of fee simple title to the property to a school district.

(d) On enforcement and satisfaction of the lien pursuant to paragraph 4 of this subsection.

4. The state treasurer shall enforce the lien by foreclosure within one year after receiving notice of any of the circumstances described in paragraph 1, subdivision (b) of this subsection.

5. Subject to paragraphs 3 and 4 of this subsection, the charter school may sell any donated property. END_STATUTE

Sec. 5. Purpose

Pursuant to section 43-223, Arizona Revised Statutes, the legislature enacts section 43-1181, Arizona Revised Statutes, as added by this act, to encourage taxpayers to donate school sites to a school district or a charter school.

Sec. 6. Retroactivity

This act applies retroactively to taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2019.