CORRECTED   Feb 19 2021

REFERENCE TITLE: suspended students; virtual education; support





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-fifth Legislature

First Regular Session





HR 2004


Introduced by

Representative Udall





supporting virtual education opportunities for students who have been suspended or expelled from school.





Whereas, attending school is linked to children exhibiting stronger social and behavioral skills and higher academic achievement; and

Whereas, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, each year in Arizona nearly 57,000 students receive out-of-school suspensions and 500 students are expelled; and

Whereas, students who are suspended are 32% less likely to complete high school and are far less likely to attend a college or university, leaving them unable to engage meaningfully in the workforce and more likely to be reliant on government assistance; and

Whereas, students who are suspended or expelled from school are more likely to possess mental or physical health concerns that, left unaddressed, can lead to increased burdens on taxpayers; and

Whereas, during the COVID-19 pandemic, through professional development, technology purchases, vetting online educational platforms and other forms of engagement with families, schools have become more proficient at providing distance learning opportunities for all students; and

Whereas, these distance learning opportunities have allowed students and families to feel connected to a school and to continue the learning process at a time when students have been unable to attend school on a regular basis; and

Whereas, if the decision is made to suspend or expel a student, schools should use various distance learning tools, including online instruction and other means, to keep students who have been suspended or expelled engaged with the education system and on track to graduate high school; and

Whereas, our state is only as strong as the future generation, and we want our students to grow into engaged and contributing members of our society and economy.


Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Arizona:

That the Members of the House of Representatives express their strong support for all schools in this state to provide appropriate interventions for students before resorting to suspensions and expulsion and to provide suspended or expelled students with appropriate virtual or other forms of distance education opportunities to keep them engaged with the education system and their futures.