REFERENCE TITLE: golden rule day





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-fifth Legislature

First Regular Session





HR 2005


Introduced by

Representative Bowers





proclaiming april 5, 2022 as golden rule day in the state of ariZOna.





Whereas, the Golden Rule states that we should treat others the way we would like to be treated, and variations of this tenet are embraced by every belief system; and

Whereas, the citizens of Arizona recognize and appreciate the wonderful diversity of the peoples, cultures, faiths and languages that make up our state; and

Whereas, currently there are eight Golden Rule Cities in Arizona, and plans are underway to add three more before the end of the year; and

Whereas, by applying the Golden Rule in our lives, we may be able to reduce and even eliminate prejudice, hate, bigotry and intolerance of those who are different from us; and

Whereas, in light of the current turmoil in our country and communities across our state, it is fitting and timely that Arizonans engage in a Golden Rule Day celebration that highlights various deeds of kindness in the communities that make up our great state; and

Whereas, Golden Rule Day presents a public opportunity for the state's businesses, schools, community organizations and citizens to mindfully live and practice the Golden Rule, potentially having a powerful and positive effect on the society in which we all live.


Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Arizona:

1.    That the Members of the House of Representatives proclaim April 5, 2022 to be Golden Rule Day in Arizona.

2.    That the Members of the House of Representatives wholeheartedly support Golden Rule Day in Arizona and encourage all Arizonans to recognize this day and treat each other with respect, civility, kindness and empathy.