(Reference to Senate engrossed bill)
Page 1, line 6, strike "may" insert "of a county flood control district for a county with a POPULATION of less than one million five hundred thousand persons may appoint a citizen's flood control advisory board consisting of six members, and the board of directors of a county flood control district for a county with a population of one million five HUNDRED thousand persons or more"
Line 18, strike "non-voting" insert "nonvoting"
Line 25, after "board" insert "of a county flood control district for a county with a POPULATION of one million five hundred thousand persons or more"
Line 26, after "quarterly" insert ", shall HAVE ACCESS to budget information and shall make recommendations regarding the flood control district budget"; strike "and" insert ". Any county's citizens' flood control advisory board"
Line 29, after the period strike remainder of line
Line 30, strike "recommendations regarding the FLOOD control district budget."
Strike page 2
Page 3, strike lines 1 through 11
Amend title to conform