Number: S.B. 1797
Ugenti-Rita Floor Amendment
Reference to: COMMERCE Committee amendment
Amendment drafted by: Laura Benitez
1. Expands eligibility, for the 10 non-tribal entity event wagering operator licenses, to any person or entity that the Arizona Department of Gaming determines to be qualified to operate event wagering based on the prescribed application information and background investigation and contracted to conduct event wagering, rather than only the following entities or their designee:
a) an owner of an Arizona professional sports team or franchise;
b) an operator of a sports facility that hosts an annual tournament on the PGA Tour; and
c) the promoter of a national association for stock car auto racing national touring race in Arizona.
2. Requires, for eligibility, that an applicant be contracted to operate mobile event wagering and retail event wagering at an event wagering facility, rather than mobile event wagering and retail event wagering at a sports facility or complex.
3. Makes conforming changes.
First Regular Session S.B. 1797
(Reference to COMMERCE Committee amendment)
Page 3, strike lines 11 through 16, insert:
"Line 7, after "means" strike remainder of line
Strike lines 8 through 10
Line 11, strike "promoter's designee," insert "either:
(a) A person or entity that is not an indian tribe or entity that is fully owned by an indian tribe, or its designee, and""
Strike line 28, insert:
"Page 23, strike lines 23 through 29
Renumber to conform"
Page 4, strike lines 16 through 22, insert:
"Line 24, after "1." strike remainder of line
Strike lines 25 and 26
Line 27, strike "conducted in this state or their designee," insert "a person or entity that the department of gaming determines is qualified to operate event wagering based on the information submitted by the applicant as prescribed by subsection b of this section and on the background investigation conducted pursuant to section 5-1305 and that is"
Line 28, after "at" strike remainder of line
Line 29, strike "complex as prescribed in subsection D of this section" insert "an event wagering facility"
Line 30, after the period strike remainder of line
Strike lines 31 through 33"
Page 4, strike lines 26 through 28, insert:
"Line 31, after "facility" insert a period
Strike lines 32 through 38"
Amend title to conform