State Seal2 copy           Bill Number: S.B. 1797

            Ugenti-Rita Floor Amendment #1

            Reference to: printed bill

            Amendment drafted by: Laura Benitez





1.   Requires the Arizona Department of Gaming (ADG) to monthly transfer Event Wagering Fund (Fund) monies to the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) for distribution to school districts and charter schools as follows:

a)   10 percent of Fund monies to be used for teacher base salary increases; and

b) 10 percent of Fund monies to be used for classroom spending.

2.   Requires ADE to annually distribute the transferred monies proportionally based on school district and charter school weighted student counts for the fiscal year.

3.   Requires Fund monies distributed for teacher base salary increases to supplement, not supplant, teacher compensation from any other sources.

4.   Prohibits monies distributed for classroom spending from being used for administrative costs.

5.   Makes conforming changes.



Fifty-fifth Legislature                                               Ugenti-Rita

First Regular Session                                                   S.B. 1797




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 40, line 6, after the comma insert "the department shall transfer monies as prescribed in subsection D of this section, and, after that transfer,"

Line 12, strike the comma insert a period

Strike line 13, insert:

"D. The department of gaming shall transfer monies in the fund to the department of education as follows:

1. Ten percent to distribute to school districts and charter schools to be used for teacher base salary increases. Teacher base salary increases distributed pursuant to this paragraph shall supplement, and not supplant, teacher compensation monies from any other sources.

2. Ten percent to distribute to school districts and charter schools for classroom spending. Monies distributed pursuant to this paragraph may not be used for administrative costs.

E. The department of education shall distribute the transferred monies proportionally based on the weighted student count for the school district or charter school for the current year pursuant to section 15-943, paragraph 2, subdivision (a)."

Amend title to conform





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