Number: S.B. 1822
Engel Floor Amendment #2
Reference to: printed bill
Amendment drafted by: Leg Council
1. Establishes the Arizona Natural Resource Resiliency Planning Group (Planning Group) and appropriates $500,000 to it from the state General Fund in FY 2022.
2. Outlines membership and procedures for appointments to the Planning Group.
3. Specifies that members cannot receive compensation.
4. Requires the Planning Group to:
a. compile a complete inventory of this state's greenhouse gas emissions and sources;
b. review and, where necessary, revise the recommendations made in the Arizona climate change advisory group's 2006 climate change action plan;
c. develop a resiliency plan to protect or improve the resiliency of this state's human populations and natural and economic systems against the risks of climate change;
d. identify measures that can be taken to meet specified greenhouse gas emissions reductions targets;
e. direct state agencies to identify and characterize potential current and future risks in this state to human, natural and economic systems, including potential risks to water resources, temperature-sensitive populations and systems, energy systems, transportation systems, vital infrastructure and public facilities, and natural lands; and
f. submit a report regarding the group's findings and recommendations for action by September 2022.
First Regular Session S.B. 1822
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 11, after line 39, insert:
"Sec. 16. Arizona natural resource resiliency planning group; membership; duties; report; delayed repeal
A. The Arizona natural resource resiliency planning group is established consisting of persons who represent the following interest areas:
1. Electric power generation.
2. Manufacturing or mining.
3. Agriculture or forestry.
4. Construction.
5. Transportation.
6. Tourism or recreation.
7. Low-income assistance nonprofit organization.
8. Native American tribes.
9. Public health.
10. Nonprofit environmental organization.
11. Nonprofit renewable energy organization.
12. Nonprofit organization specializing in environmental inequities experienced by racial and ethnic minorities.
13. University environmental sciences program.
14. State government.
15. Local government.
16. United States environmental protection agency.
B. The speaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate, the minority party leader of the house of representatives and the minority party leader of the senate shall each appoint five persons from among the areas of representation prescribed in subsection A of this section. The governor shall appoint two persons from among the areas of representation prescribed in subsection A of this section. Every interest area prescribed by subsection A of this section shall be represented among the persons who are appointed to the group.
C. Members of the Arizona natural resource resiliency planning group are not eligible to receive compensation.
D. The Arizona natural resource resiliency planning group shall:
1. Compile a complete inventory of this state's greenhouse gas emissions and sources.
2. Review and, where necessary, revise the recommendations made in the Arizona climate change advisory group's 2006 climate change action plan.
3. Develop a resiliency plan to protect or improve the resiliency of this state's human populations and natural and economic systems against the risks of climate change.
4. Identify measures that can be taken to meet the following greenhouse gas emissions reductions targets:
(a) By 2030, reduce this state's greenhouse gas emissions to fifty percent below 2005 levels.
(b) By 2050, reduce this state's greenhouse gas emissions to ninety percent below 2005 levels.
5. Direct state agencies to identify and characterize potential current and future risks in this state to human, natural and economic systems, including potential risks to water resources, temperature-sensitive populations and systems, energy systems, transportation systems, vital infrastructure and public facilities, and natural lands.
6. Submit a report regarding the group's findings and recommendations for action on or before August 31, 2022 to the governor, the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives and provide a copy of this report to the secretary of state.
E. This section is repealed from and after March 31, 2023.
Sec. 17. Appropriation; Arizona natural resource resiliency planning group
The sum of $500,000 is appropriated from the state general fund in fiscal year 2021-2022 to the Arizona natural resource resiliency planning group."
Amend title to conform