Fifty-fifth Legislature                                            Appropriations

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2682




(Reference to the proposed Leach s/e amendment dated 3/18/21; 2:35 p.m.)


Page 8, line 17, after the third "products" insert "and that is in the business of selling, distributing or conveying these products to the public or a user of any such product"

Line 18, after "include" insert "either of the following:


Between lines 19 and 20, insert:

"(ii) a wholesaler of any alternative nicotine product, shisha, tobacco product or vapor product with respect to selling, distributing or conveying these products in business-to-business transactions."

Page 35, line 1, strike "minor" insert "person who is under twenty-one years of age"; strike "minor's" insert "person's"

Line 29, strike "minor" insert "person who is under twenty-one years of age"

Line 31, strike "minor" insert "person"

Page 45, line 2, after "products" insert "and that is in the business of selling, distributing or conveying these products to the public or a user of any such product"

Line 3, after "include" insert "either of the following:


Between lines 4 and 5, insert:

"(ii) a wholesaler of any alternative nicotine product, shisha, tobacco product or vapor product with respect to selling, distributing or conveying these products in business-to-business transactions."

Page 46, strike line 18

Renumber to conform

Page 48, line 10, strike "over"; after "age" insert "or older"

Page 49, line 17, after the period insert "zoning requirements adopted pursuant to"

Line 18, strike "does" insert "may"

Page 50, line 20, after "the" insert "outdoor"; strike "and marketing"

Line 22, strike "and marketing"

Amend title to conform







02:04 PM