Fifty-fifth Legislature

First Regular Session

House: JUD DPA/SE 9-1-0-0 | APPROP DPA/SE 12-0-0-1 |3rd Read 42-16-2-0
Senate: APPROP DPA/SE 9-1-0-0 |3rd Read 20-10-0-0
Final Vote: 45-14-1-0

HB 2053: superior court clerk; salary

Previous NOW Title: salary; superior court clerk

NOW: per diem; federal rate; legislators

Sponsor:  Representative Kavanagh, LD 23

Transmitted to the Governor


Changes the daily subsistence payment amounts for legislators.


Arizona legislators currently receive $35 per day for subsistence during regular and special session and on days outside of legislative session when the member acts on a legislative matter. Additionally, legislative members whose permanent residence is outside of Maricopa County (during regular or special session) and legislators acting on legislative matters in a county other than that legislator's residence receive an additional $25 for subsistence.

After the first 120 days of legislative session, the amount members receive for per diem is reduced to $10 per day. Members from outside of Maricopa County also receive an additional $10 per day for subsistence for each day beyond the first 120 days of session. The Director of the Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA) is instructed to establish maximum amounts for reimbursement for lodging and meal and incidental expenses or long-term subsistence incurred based on federal guidelines (A.R.S. §§ 38-624 and 41-1104).

Federal law gives the administrator of the United States General Services Administration (U.S. GSA) authority to determine per diem rates for employees traveling on official business (5 USC § 5702). Federal per diem includes allowance for lodging, meals and incidental expenses and varies by month, locality or county. The lodging rate for Maricopa County is $151 per day for October 2020 through May 2021 and $96 per day from June 2021 through August 2021. The meals and incidentals rate for Maricopa County is $56 per day (U.S. GSA Rates for Maricopa County).


1.   Outlines the daily subsistence payment rate for legislators during a regular or special session and for acting on a legislative matter as follows:

a)   $35 for members who live within Maricopa County; and

b)   100% of the average of the six highest months of the annual federal per diem rate for Maricopa County, including lodging as determined by the U.S. GSA and annually by the Director of ADOA for members who live outside Maricopa County. (Sec. 2)

2.   Modifies the daily subsistence rate after the first 120 days of regular session to:

a)   $10 per day for a member who is a permanent resident of Maricopa County; and

b)   50% of the amount annually determined by the ADOA Director for members who live outside Maricopa County. (Sec. 2)

3.   Allows legislators to opt out of receiving subsistence payments. (Sec. 2)

4.   Stipulates that the maximum long-term subsistence allowance does not apply to legislators. (Sec. 1)

5.   ☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteMakes technical and conforming changes. (Sec. 1, 2)




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                  HB 2053

Initials SJ/AG        Page 0 Transmitted


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