ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Fifty-fifth Legislature First Regular Session |
House: ED DP 8-1-0-1 |
HB 2135: schools; state board; rules; modularization
Sponsor: Representative Udall, LD 25
Caucus & COW
Directs the State Board of Education (SBE) to adopt rules that allow schools to modularize subjects and courses.
Currently, SBE is directed to adopt rules to define competency-based educational pathways for college and career readiness that may be used by schools. These rules must establish:
1) Expected learning outcomes in a subject for students;
2) A process and criteria to identify or establish assessments to determine if students have reached desired competencies in subjects; and
3) A mechanism for students in the 7th-12th grades to immediately obtain credit for a subject if they have demonstrated competency. (A.R.S. § 15-203)
Statute stipulates that students who are eligible for a high school diploma through the fulfillment of a defined competency-based college-ready educational pathway may:
1) Enroll in a community college and the community college must admit the student if they obtained a high school diploma and otherwise met admission criteria;
2) Remain in high school and participate in available programs of study;
3) Enroll in a full-time career and technical education program; or
4) Enroll in an in-state university after completion of additional high school coursework designed to prepare students for admission.(A.R.S §§ 15-795, 15-795.01)
Under current law, school districts are required to accept credits earned by a high school student who was previously enrolled in a charter school or other school district in Arizona. Statute allows a school district governing board to adopt a policy to determine whether these transfer credits will be assigned as an elective or core credit. (A.R.S. § 15-701.01)
1. Directs SBE to adopt rules to define competency-based educational pathways for college and career readiness that includes the ability for schools to modularize subjects and courses. (Sec. 1)
2. Directs a school that modularizes a subject or course to note the learning outcomes or competencies in which the student demonstrated or failed to demonstrate competency. (Sec. 2)
3. Makes a technical change. (Sec. 2)
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HB 2135
Initials CH/NM Page 0 Caucus & COW
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