Fifty-fifth Legislature

First Regular Session

House: TRANS DP 9-1-1-1

HB 2262: legacy plates; plate reissuance; reflectivity

Sponsor:  Representative Biasiucci, LD 5

Caucus & COW


Establishes plate reflectivity standards for reissuance, Arizona Legacy Special Plates and the License Plate Reissuance Fund (Fund).


Pursuant to A.R.S. § 28-2351, the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is required to provide every vehicle owner one license plate for every vehicle registered upon application and on payment of prescribed fees. In accordance with A.R.S. § 28-2403, special plates may be issued by ADOT in lieu of the regular license plate, upon application. ADOT is required to coat the license plate with a reflective material that is consistent with the determination of ADOT regarding the color and design of license plates and special plates.

An initial and annual renewal fee of $25 is required for the special plate in addition to the vehicle registration fees, with outlined exceptions (A.R.S. § 28-2402). Of the $25 special plate fee, $8 is an administrative fee and $17 is an annual donation to a specified organization. Special plates are established through statutory authority.


1.   ☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteRequires ADOT to reissue license plates within three years after the warranty on the plate’s reflective material expires for each registered vehicle. (Sec. 1)

2.   Prohibits ADOT from charge a fee for reissuing a license plate pursuant to the license plate’s reflective material expiring. (Sec. 1)

3.   Exempts the following:

a)   A license plate for a vehicle registered pursuant to fleet registration, international proportional registration and alternative proportional registration; and

b)   Special license plates, honored military license plates and license plates of vehicles with historic value. (Sec. 1)

4.   Requires ADOT, in consultation with the Department of Public Safety, to develop standards for reflectivity that use the most current technology available while keeping a competitive bid process. (Sec. 1)

5.   Requires ADOT to issue Arizona Legacy Special Plate beginning January 1, 2023. (Sec. 3)

6.   Allows ADOT to combine requests for a special plate and a personalized plate, in a form prescribed by ADOT and subject to the fees for both plates. (Sec. 3)

7.   Requires the special plate to consist of one or more of the following designs:

a)   Copper background with green lettering per the appearance of Arizona license plates issued by ADOT from 1973 to 1980;

b)   Maroon background with white lettering per the appearance of Arizona license plates issued by ADOT from 1980 to 1996. (Sec. 3)

8.   Requires that, of the $25 fee to obtain and renew a special plate, $8 is an administrative fee and $17 is an annual donation. (Sec. 3)

9.   Establishes the Fund, to be administered by ADOT. (Sec. 3)

10.  Requires that the $8 administrative fee be deposited in the State Highway Fund and the $17 annual donation be deposited in the Fund. (Sec. 3)

11.  Requires that no more than 10% of the monies annually deposited in the Fund be used to administer the Fund. (Sec. 3)

12.  States that monies in the Fund are continuously appropriated. (Sec. 3)

13.  Requires monies in the Fund to be used to pay the entire cost of reissuing license plates pursuant to the reflective material expiring. (Sec. 3)

14.  Requires all monies remaining in the Fund at the end of each fiscal year, beginning FY 2023, to revert to the General Fund. (Sec. 3)

15.  Requires the State Treasurer, on notice from ADOT, to invest and divest monies in the Fund.

a)   Requires monies earned from investment to be credited to the Fund. (Sec. 3)

16.  Makes technical and conforming changes. (Sec. 1, 2, 4-6)



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