ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-fifth Legislature First Regular Session |
House: HHS DPA 9-0-0-0 |
HB 2605: medical marijuana; testing
Sponsor: Representative Friese, LD 9
House Engrossed
Modifies the list of contaminants that a nonprofit medical marijuana dispensary (dispensary) must test for before selling or dispensing marijuana or marijuana products.
Under current law, a dispensary must test all marijuana and marijuana products for unsafe levels of microbial contamination, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, growth regulators and residual solvents and confirm the potency of the marijuana to be dispensed. These test results must be provided by the dispensary to a registered qualifying patient or designated caregiver immediately on request. Additionally, dispensaries must display a sign notifying patients of their right to test results (A.R.S. § 36-2803).
1. Specifies that dispensaries are to test selected marijuana and marijuana product samples for unsafe levels of contamination before selling or dispensing marijuana or marijuana products. (Sec. 1)
Eliminates the requirement for a
dispensary to test for unsafe levels of herbicides before selling or dispensing
marijuana or marijuana products. (Sec. 1)
3. Requires DHS to adopt rules prohibiting a marijuana testing facility from having any direct or indirect familial or financial relationship or interest in a marijuana establishment or related marijuana business entity or management company. (Sec. 2)
4. Makes technical changes. (Sec. 1)
5. Contains a Proposition 105 clause. (Sec. 2)
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9. HB 2605
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