ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-fifth Legislature First Regular Session |
HB 2705: schools; dress codes; graduation ceremonies
Sponsor: Representative Teller, LD 7
Committee on Education
An emergency measure that prohibits a school from establishing a dress code policy that prevents students from wearing traditional tribal regalia or objects of cultural significance at a graduation ceremony.
Currently, a school district must consider the cultural traditions of students when establishing or enforcing rules related to a student's participation in extracurricular school activities. If district's rules or rules regulating the district's participation in an extracurricular program prohibit a student from participating because of their cultural traditions, the governing board may adopt alternative rules for those students.
Furthermore, a school district governing board, a charter school and an interscholastic athletic associations (which a school district or charter school is a member of) may not prohibit a student from wearing a religious or cultural accessory or a hairpiece while participating in an extracurricular or athletic activity unless the item is determined to jeopardize the health or safety of participants (A.R.S. § 15-347).
Prohibits a school district governing
board, a charter school governing body or any public school from establishing a
dress code policy which prohibits students from wearing traditional tribal
regalia or objects of cultural significance at a graduation ceremony. (Sec. 1)
2. Defines objects of cultural significance and traditional tribal regalia to include an eagle feather or eagle plume. (Sec. 1)
3. Contains an emergency clause. (Sec. 2)
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HB 2705
Initials CH/NM Page 0 Education
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