ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-fifth Legislature First Regular Session |
HB 2711: antenna use; private property
Sponsor: Representative Nutt, LD 14
Committee on Commerce
Prohibits an Authority from unreasonably interfering with antennas on private property.
Antenna means communications equipment that transmits or receives electromagnetic radio frequency signals and that is used in providing wireless services.
Authority means any city, town, special district or political subdivision of this state that is authorized to make legislative, quasi-judicial or administrative decisions concerning an application. Authority does not include any state court that has jurisdiction over an authority and does not include a county, special taxing district, or electric cooperative (A.R.S. § 9-591).
1. Prohibits an Authority, when an antenna is installed on property within the exclusive use or control of the antenna user from:
a) Unreasonably delaying or preventing installation, maintenance or use of the antenna.
b) Unreasonably increasing the cost of installation, maintenance or use of the antenna.
c) Prevent reception of acceptable signal quality. (Sec. 2)
2. Specifies Authority prohibitions apply to antennas that are not larger than one meter in diameter and installed on private property. (Sec. 2)
3. Changes the heading of Title 9, Chapter 5, Article 8 of the A.R.S. from Use of Public Highways by Wireless Providers to Use of Public Highways and Private Property by Wireless Providers. (Sec. 1)
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7. HB 2711
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