Fifty-fifth Legislature

First Regular Session

House: APPROP DP 7-6-0-0

HB 2892: capital outlay; appropriations; 2021-2022.

Sponsor:  Representative Bowers, LD 25

Caucus & COW


Makes capital appropriations to state agencies in FY 2022.


The Arizona Legislature adopts a budget for each fiscal year (FY) that contains general appropriations. Article IV, Section 20, Part 2, Constitution of Arizona, requires the General Appropriations Act (feed bill) to contain only appropriations for the different state departments, state institutions, public schools and interest on public debt. Statutory changes necessary to reconcile the appropriations made in the feed bill and other changes are drafted into separate bills known as Budget Reconciliation Bills (BRBs). These BRBs are prepared according to subject area.


Building Renewal (Sec. 2)

1.   ☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteAppropriates the following amounts to the specified agencies in FY 2022 for maintenance and repair of state buildings:

Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA)

a)   $6,200,000 from the state General Fund (GF).

b)   $18,000,000 from the Capital Outlay Stabilization Fund (COSF).

i.   Requires ADOA to allocate the monies to state agencies for necessary building renewal.

ii. Reduces the appropriation from COSF to the amount available in that fund if the monies available in COSF are insufficient to fund the full appropriation.

iii.   Allows the monies to be used for retrofitting facilities for space consolidation.

iv. Requires ADOA to report to JLBC staff on the status of all capital projects and expenditures by November 30, 2021 and May 31, 2022.

Arizona Department of Corrections (ADC)

c)   $22,205,800 from the GF.

d)   $5,864,300 from the Department of Corrections Building Renewal Fund.

i.   Requires ADC to report to JLBC staff on the status of all capital projects and capital expenditures by November 30, 2021 and May 31, 2022.

ii. Prohibits the use of this appropriation for personal services or overhead expenses related to managing the funded projects.

Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGF)

e)   $1,215,800 from the Game and Fish Fund.

i.   Requires AZGF to report to JLBC staff on the status of all capital projects and capital expenditures by November 30, 2021 and May 31, 2022.


Arizona State Lottery Commission

f) $152,800 from the State Lottery Fund.

Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT)

g)   $15,400,000 from the State Highway Fund.

h)   $310,400 from the State Aviation Fund.

i.   Requires ADOT to report to JLBC staff on the status of all nonhighway construction capital projects and capital expenditures by November 30, 2021 and May 31, 2022.

3.   States that each appropriation that is unexpended by June 30, 2023 reverts to the fund from which the monies were appropriated.

Capital Projects

4.   Appropriates the following sums of money to the indicated capital projects in FY 2022, with all unexpended monies reverting to the fund(s) from which they were appropriated on June 30, 2023, unless noted otherwise:

Summary of Project

Fund Source

JCCR Review


Legislative Council (Sec. 3)

Repair, restore and renovate the historic Capitol Building




Legislative, Executive and Judicial Public Buildings Land Fund


· Exempts the appropriation from lapsing.

ADOA (Sec. 4-7)

Demolish 1601 West Jefferson and 1645 West Jefferson and convert physical plant for service to 1535 West Jefferson




Replace air handler units at the House of Representatives and Senate




Distribute to Taylor to improve the Taylor rodeo arena




Distribute to a nonprofit international dark sky discovery center in Arizona for capital costs




Attorney General (Sec. 8)

Deferred maintenance at 15 South 15th Avenue

Collection Enforcement Revolving Fund



ADC (Sec. 9)

Fire and life safety upgrades at the Eyman state prison complex




Arizona Correctional Industries Revolving Fund


Special Services Fund


Inmate Store Proceeds Fund


Prison Construction and Operations Fund



Summary of Project

Fund Source

JCCR Review


Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind (ASDB) (Sec. 10)

Replace the classroom notification system at the Tucson campus

Schools for the Deaf and Blind Fund



Department of Emergency and Military Affairs (DEMA) (Sec. 11-12)

Upgrade fire suppression systems and roof replacement at DEMA facilities




Military Installation Fund


Distribute to Yuma County for military installation preservation and enhancement projects




· Requires DEMA to report to JCCR by July 31, 2021 and July 31, 2022 on the status of expenditures and the progress in relocating Yuma County Fairgrounds.

· Exempts the appropriation from lapsing until the purpose has been met or the appropriation stands for a full FY without an expenditure.

Arizona Exposition and State Fair Board (Sec. 13-14)

Capital Improvements




Fire alarm system replacement at the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum




AZGF (Sec. 15-18)

Dam Maintenance

Capital Improvement Fund



Property Maintenance

Capital Improvement Fund



Hatchery Maintenance

Capital Improvement Fund



Hatchery Capital Renewal

Game and Fish Fund



Department of Health Services (DHS) (Sec. 19)

Demolish unused Arizona State Hospital buildings

Arizona State Hospital Fund



Arizona State Hospital Land Fund


Department of Juvenile Corrections (Sec. 20)

Replace doors at the Adobe Mountain School facility

State Charitable, Penal and Reformatory Institutions Land Fund



Arizona State Parks Board (ASPB) (Sec. 21-26)

Capital Improvements

State Parks Revenue Fund



· Requires ASPB to report to JLBC staff on the status of all capital projects and capital expenditures by November 30, 2021 and May 31, 2022.

Construct an amphitheater building at Dead Horse Ranch State Park

State Parks Revenue Fund



Replace roof at Kartchner Caverns State Park discovery center

State Parks Revenue Fund




Summary of Project

Fund Source

JCCR Review


Replace fire suppression system at Red Rock State Park

State Parks Revenue Fund



Replace the maintenance building at Red Rock State Park

State Parks Revenue Fund



Construct a new day-use park at Rockin' River Ranch State Park

State Parks Revenue Fund



Arizona Pioneers' Home (Sec. 27)

Capital Improvements

Pioneers' State Charitable Earnings Land Fund



Department of Public Safety (DPS) (Sec. 28)

Construct a new wellness and training center

Arizona Highway Patrol Fund



Department of Veterans' Services (ADVS) (Sec. 29)

Construct and establish a veterans' home facility in northwestern Arizona




· Prohibits ADVS from spending the appropriation unless ADVS has an irrevocable commitment from the federal government to fund at least 65% of the total costs.

· Requires ADVS to submit the proposed site location, along with a feasibility analysis of suitable sites, to the Arizona Veterans' Service Advisory Commission for approval.

· Exempts the appropriation from lapsing.

ADOT (Sec. 30-32)

Construct new liquid brine tanks in Globe, Show Low, Prescott Valley and Keams Canyon

State Highway Fund



· Reverts unexpended monies to the State Highway Fund on June 30, 2024.

Replace vehicle fueling facilities in Flagstaff, Holbrook and Kingman

State Highway Fund



· Reverts unexpended monies to the State Highway Fund on June 30, 2024.

Construct new maintenance facilities in Wickenburg

State Highway Fund




Statewide Highway Construction

5.   Appropriates the following sums of money from the GF to ADOT as supplemental FY 2021 appropriations, not subject to JCCR review and exempt from lapsing until the purpose has been met or the appropriation stands for a full FY without an expenditure:

a)   $4,700,000 to repave State Route 69 in Prescott Valley;

b)   $10,000,000 to improve US Route 95 near Yuma Proving Ground;

c)   $46,700,000 to repave State Route 95 in Mohave County;

d)   $150,000 to study options for expanding ramps at the intersection of Grand Avenue and State Route 303;

e)   $35,000,000 to study, complete a final design plan, secure right-of-way and easements and construct an overpass at Riggs Road and State Route 347;

f) $4,000,000 to study the north/south corridor in Pinal County;

g)   $8,500,000 to improve drainage on 67th Avenue in Peoria;

h)   $8,000,000 to widen Camelback Road between State Route 303 and Litchfield Road in Goodyear;

i)   $700,000 for a study and design concept report for the repair of State Route 88;

j)   $1,032,100 to repair and maintain 24th Avenue in Safford;

k)   $5,000,000 to improve Tangerine Road near Interstate 10 in Marana;

l)   $7,900,000 to construct a bridge and extend Ocotillo Road in Gilbert;

m) $3,500,000 to repair State Route 186 and State Business Route 10 in Wilcox;

n)   $1,000,000 to replace Butte Avenue bridge in Florence;

o)   $560,000 to improve Main Street in Jerome;

p)   $13,600,000 to rehabilitate pavement along State Route 77 near Oro Valley;

q)   $10,600,000 to improve State Route 90 near Fort Huachuca;

r) $750,000 to improve State Route 87 with a local match; and

s)   $140,000 to study guard rails and the shoulder of State Route 377 from Holbrook to Heber. (Sec. 33)

6.   Appropriates the following sums of money from the GF to ADOT for pavement rehabilitation as supplemental FY 2021 appropriations, not subject to JCCR review, and exempt from lapsing until the purpose has been met or the appropriation stands for a full FY without an expenditure:

a)   $10,207,600 for State Route 260 in Gila County;

b)   $5,306,700 for US Route 70 in Graham County;

c)   $12,126,200 for US Route 191 in Greenlee County;

d)   $690,000 for State Route 95 in La Paz County;

e)   $4,194,100 for State Route 95 in Mohave County;

f) $11,430,400 for Interstate 40 in Apache County;

g)   $7,318,600 for US Route 60 in Pinal County;

h)   $8,254,400 for State Route 87 in Pinal County;

i)   $2,263,700 for US Route 93 in Yavapai County;

j)   $2,243,600 for State Route 69 in Yavapai County;

k)   $7,119,200 for Interstate 8 in Yuma County;

l)   $4,397,500 for US Route 95 in Yuma County;

m) $3,735,800 for US Route 191 in Cochise County;

n)   $9,140,300 for Interstate 40 in Coconino County;

o)   $10,331,900 for US Route 89 in Coconino County;

p)   $6,413,000 for Interstate 40 in Navajo County; and

q)   $3,948,200 for State Route 264 in Navajo County. (Sec. 34)

7.   Appropriates $50,000,000 from the GF to ADOT as a supplemental FY 2021 appropriation to widen Interstate 10 between Phoenix and Casa Grande, which is exempt from JCCR review and does not lapse until the purpose has been met or the appropriation stands for a full FY without an expenditure. (Sec. 35)

8.   Stipulates that the $50,000,000 appropriation reverts to the GF on June 30, 2022 if ADOT cannot secure necessary right-of-way agreements by that date, unless ADOT secures federal funding in which case the appropriation reverts to the GF on June 30, 2023. (Sec. 35)

9.   Permits the use of the $50,000,000 appropriation to secure right-of-way agreements but prohibits construction until all right of way agreements are secured. (Sec. 35)

10.  Appropriates $361,110,000 from the State Highway Fund to ADOT in FY 2022, exempt from JCCR review and not lapsing until the purpose has been met or the appropriation stands for a full FY without an expenditure, to:

a)   Plan and construct state highways;

b)   Acquire rights-of-way; and

c)   Provide for the cost of contracted field administration and field engineering on construction projects and debt service payments on bonds issued for highway construction. (Sec. 36)

11.  Appropriates any excess balances and collections in the State Highway Fund to ADOT for the above purposes. (Sec. 36)

12.  Requires ADOT to report the following to the Directors of JLBC and the Governor's Office of Strategic Planning and Budgeting (OSPB) by November 1, 2021:

a)   The actual prior year, estimate current year and upcoming budget year highway construction expenses from all fund sources in a specified format;

b)   Capital outlay information for FYs 2021-2023 in a specified format; and

c)   ADOT's estimated debt principal balance at the end of FY 2023 and the estimated debt service payment amounts for FYs 2023-2026. (Sec. 36)


Airport Planning and Development

13.  Appropriates $26,000,000 from the State Aviation Fund to ADOT in FY 2022 to plan, construct, develop and improve state, county, city or town airports as determined by the State Transportation Board, exempt from JCCR review and not lapsing until the purpose has been met or the appropriation stands for a full FY without an expenditure. (Sec. 37)

14.  Appropriates any excess balances and collections in the State Aviation Fund to ADOT for the above purposes. (Sec. 37)

15.  Requires ADOT to report to JLBC staff on the status of all aviation grant awards and distributions, which must be delineated by individual airport and FY, including future year commitments, by December 31, 2021. (Sec. 37)

16.  Appropriates $18,000,000 from the GF to the State Aviation Fund as a supplemental FY 2021 appropriation, not subject to JCCR review, to plan, construct, develop and improve county, city and town airports. (Sec. 38)



17.  Extends the date that the following unexpended appropriations revert to the fund from which it was appropriated:

a)   From June 30, 2022 to June 30, 2026, for the $3,759,000 FY 2019 Capital Outlay BRB (SB1522) appropriation to DEMA to construct a readiness center; and

b)   From June 30, 2023 to June 30, 2026, for the $3,875,000 FY 2020 Capital Outlay BRB (HB2748) appropriation to DEMA to construct a readiness center. (Sec. 1)

18.  Extends the exemption from lapsing for the following appropriations made by the FY 2020 Capital Outlay BRB (HB2748) to:

a)   June 30, 2022, for the $17,000,000 appropriation to ADOA for building renewal;

b)   June 30, 2022, for the $1,000,000 appropriation to ADOA to replace air handler units at the House of Representatives and Senate;

c)   June 30, 2022, for the $414,000 appropriation to the Arizona Pioneers' Home for capital improvements;

d)   June 30, 2022, for the $2,300,000 appropriation to ADOT to construct new maintenance buildings in Seligman and Williams; and

e)   June 30, 2023, for the $4,600,000 appropriation to ADOT to construct new maintenance facilities in Wickenburg. (Sec. 39)

19.  Allows ADOA to use up to 5% of its appropriations, excluding those to be distributed to non-state agencies, for expenditures for project management of building renewal and capital projects. (Sec. 40)

20.  Specifies that ADOA may not use any other appropriations for personal services, employee-related expenditures or maintenance contracts without review by JCCR. (Sec. 40)

21.  Prohibits the monies appropriated in this legislation from being spent on personal services or employee-related expenditures of state employees, excluding services provided as part of the inmate construction program for correctional facilities. (Sec. 40)

22.  Continues to require JCCR to review the scope, purpose and estimated cost of a new capital project with an estimated cost of more than $250,000. (Sec. 41)



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26.                    HB 2892

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