ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-fifth Legislature First Regular Session |
House: GE DP 7-6-0-0 |
HCR2001: initiatives; single subject; title
Sponsor: Representative Kavanagh, LD 23
House Engrossed
Requires initiative measures to only cover one subject and matters relating to that subject.
The State Constitution gives the people of Arizona the power to propose laws and amendments to the Constitution. With the initiative power, 10% of the qualified electors have the right to propose any measure through an initiative petition. The initiative petition will be addressed to specific city, town, county or state officials. The petition includes the petitioner's name, residential address, the date of signing and a declaration stating that they are a qualified elector in the state or of the city, town or county. The correct title and text of the proposed measure must be attached to every sheet of the petitioners' signatures (AZ Const. Art. IV, Part I, § 1).
States that an initiative measure must
embrace only one subject and matters connected to that subject and requires the
subject to be expressed in the title of the initiative measure.
2. Specifies that if a subject covered in an initiative measure is not expressed in the title, the subjects not covered in the title are considered void from the initiative measure.
3. Directs the Secretary of State to submit the proposition to the voters at the next general election.
4. Makes technical changes.
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8. HCR 2001
9. Initials SJ/AG Page 0 House Engrossed
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