ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-fifth Legislature First Regular Session |
Senate: ED DP 7-0-1-0 | 3rd Read 29-1-0-0 |
SB 1376: schools; curriculum; mental health
Sponsor: Senator Bowie, LD 18
Committee on Education
Directs the State Board of Education (SBE) to require that all health education instruction include mental health instruction.
SBE must prescribe competency requirements for the promotion of students from 3rd and 8th grades and the graduation of students from high school. These competency requirements must incorporate the academic standards in at least the areas of reading, writing, mathematics, science and social studies. (A.R.S. § 15-701, 15-701.01)
Current Arizona Health Standards set by SBE are divided into eight content strands:
1) Comprehension of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Concepts;
2) Analysis of Factors Affecting Health Behaviors;
3) Access to Health Information, Products, and Services to Enhance Health;
4) Use of Interpersonal Communication Skills to Enhance Health;
5) Use of Decision-Making Skills to Enhance Health;
6) Use of Goal-Setting Skills to Enhance Health;
7) Ability to Practice Health-Enhancing Behaviors; and
8) Ability to Advocate for Health (Arizona Health Standards).
Directs SBE, when adopting course of
study and competency requirements, to require that all health education
instruction include mental health instruction. (Sec. 1)
2. States that mental health instruction may be included in a health course or another existing course. (Sec. 1)
3. Requires mental health instruction to incorporate the multiple dimensions of health by including:
a) The relationship of physical and mental health to enhance student understanding;
b) Social and emotional learning; and
c) Attitudes and behavior that promote health and well-being. (Sec. 1)
4. Instructs SBE to consult with:
a) Mental health experts, including representatives from the Department of Health Services;
b) Arizona-based mental health advocacy organizations; and
c) The Arizona Department of Education. (Sec. 1)
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g) SB 1376
h) Initials CH/NM Page 0 Education
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