ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-fifth Legislature First Regular Session |
Senate: APPROP DP 8-0-2-0 | 3rd Read 30-0-0-0House: MAPS DP 12-0-0-2 | 3rd Read 60-0-0-0 Final Vote: DPA 30-0-0-0 |
SB 1443: military family relief fund
Sponsor: Senator Borrelli, LD 5
Transmitted to the Governor
Modifies the requirements for service members to receive assistance from the Pre-9/11 Veterans Subaccount (Pre-9/11 Subaccount) and the Post-9/11 Veterans Subaccount (Post-9/11 Subaccount).
The Military Family Relief Fund (Fund) is established through December 31, 2026 and consists of private donations, grants, bequests and any other monies received. The Pre-9/11 and Post-9/11 Subaccounts are established within the Fund and is administered by the Arizona Department of Veterans' Services (ADVS). Both Subaccounts have a military relief advisory committee that establish criteria for the use of monies in the Subaccounts, establish and revise the application process for financial assistance, review and evaluate applications and make other recommendations as necessary (A.R.S. § 41-608.04).
1. Allows service members, who has established residency in Arizona, can provide proof of continuous physical presence in Arizona for at least 12 months before applying and meet other statutory requirements, to be eligible for assistance from the Pre-9/11 and Post-9/11 Subaccounts. (Sec. 1)
2. Requires the assistance to be on financial need as a result of the service member's military service. (Sec. 1)
3. Specifies that a service member of an applying family who was deceased, wounded, injured or became seriously ill and was deployed from an Arizona military base must have been deployed:
a) On or before September 11, 2001 to be eligible for assistance from the Pre-9/11 Subaccount; or
b) After September 11, 2001 to be eligible for assistance from the Post-9/11 Subaccount. (Sec. 1)
4. Permits the ADVS director to allocate up to 10 percent, rather than 5 percent, of the donations received for the actual reasonable costs of administering the Subaccounts and the financial assistance program. (Sec. 1)
Specifies that ADVS administers the Fund
and the Pre-9/11 and Post-9/11 Subaccounts. (Sec. 1)
6. Defines established residency and continuous physical presence. (Sec. 1)
7. Makes technical changes. (Sec. 1)
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11. SB 1443
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