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Fifty-Fifth Legislature, First Regular Session
redistricting; petition signatures; 2022 candidates
An emergency measure that requires the Secretary of State (SOS) to accept statements of interest, nomination papers and petitions from candidates for election in 2022 using legislative and congressional districts used in the 2020 elections, designated by the redistricting plan adopted by the Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) in 2021 or designated as the 2022 redistricting plan by a court.
An IRC must be established by February 28 of each year ending in a one to provide for the redistricting of congressional and state legislative districts. The IRC consists of five members, with no more than two from the same political party. The commencement of the mapping process begins with the creation of districts of equal population in a grid-like pattern, with adjustments made to accommodate specified constitutional goals. The IRC must advertise a draft map of congressional and legislative districts and allow for 30 days of public comment. After the completion of the public comment period, the IRC must establish final district boundaries and certify the creation of congressional and legislative districts with the SOS (Ariz. Const. art. 4, pt. 2, § 1).
Any person wishing to become a candidate and have the person's name printed on the ballot must file nomination papers and a nomination petition 120-150 days before the primary election with the appropriate filing officer for that office. Except for candidates for U.S. Senator or a representative in Congress, a candidate must be a qualified elector at the time of filing and reside in the county, district or precinct the person proposes to represent (A.R.S. §§ 16-311 and 16-314). The nomination petitions of a person wishing to become a candidate must be signed by a minimum number of qualified signers depending upon the office for which the person is seeking to become a candidate. If new districts or precincts are established subsequent to January 2 of the year of an election and before the filing date, the basis for determining the required number of nomination petition signatures is the number of qualified signers in the office, district or precinct on the day the new districts or precincts are effective (A.R.S. § 16-322)
There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.
1. Requires the SOS, for candidates for election to the Legislature or U.S. Congress in 2022, to accept statements of interest, nomination papers and nomination petitions as valid filings from a person that designates a district for the person's candidacy using a legislative or congressional district:
a) used in the 2020 elections;
b) designated in a redistricting plan adopted by the 2021 IRC; or
c) designated in a redistricting plan ordered for use in the 2022 election by a court of competent jurisdiction.
2. Requires the SOS, for candidates for election to the Legislature or U.S. Congress in 2022, to accept nomination petition signatures as valid if the petition signers are registered voters who are residents of legislative or congressional districts:
a) used in the 2020 elections;
b) designated in a redistricting plan adopted by the 2021 IRC; or
c) designated in a redistricting plan ordered for use in the 2022 election by a court of competent jurisdiction.
3. Exempts statements of interest, nomination papers and nomination petitions for a special election to fill a vacancy in the U.S. House of Representatives.
4. Requires the basis for determining the required number of nomination petition signatures, if new districts or precincts are established subsequent to January 2 the year of an election and before the filing date, to be the number of qualified signers in the office, district or precinct effective on January 2, rather than on the day the new districts or precincts are effective.
5. Requires, by July 1, 2022, the county board of supervisors in each county to define the boundaries and limits of each district within the county.
6. Requires, due to the delay in decennial census data from the U.S. Census Bureau, each county board of supervisors to have a seven-month extension to divide the county into supervisorial districts.
7. Becomes effective on signature of the Governor, if the emergency clause is enacted.
Amendments Adopted by Committee
· Adds an emergency clause.
Amendments Adopted by Committee of the Whole
1. Exempts statements of interest, nomination papers and nomination petitions for a special election to fill a vacancy in the U.S. House of Representatives.
2. Requires the basis for determining the required number of nomination petition signatures, if new districts or precincts are established subsequent to January 2 the year of an election and before the filing date, to be the number of qualified signers in the office, district or precinct effective on January 2, rather than on the day the new districts or precincts are effective.
3. Makes technical and conforming changes.
Amendments Adopted by the House of Representatives
1. Requires, by July 1, 2022, the county board of supervisors in each county to define the boundaries and limits of each district within the county.
2. Requires, due to the delay in decennial census data from the U.S. Census Bureau, each county board of supervisors to have a seven-month extension to divide the county into supervisorial districts.
Senate Action House Action
GOV 2/8/21 DPA 7-0-1 GE 3/10/21 DPA 13-0-0-0
3rd Read 2/22/21 29-0-1 3rd Read 3/18/21 60-0-0
Prepared by Senate Research
March 18, 2021