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Fifty-Fifth Legislature, First Regular Session
CTEDs; fourth-year funding.
Includes career technical education (CTE) students in grade 9, who are in the year after graduation or enrolled in an internship course, in the career technical education district (CTED) student count, if prescribed qualifications are met.
A CTED, or school district or charter school that is a part of a CTED, must only include students in grades 10 through 12 in the calculation of student count or average daily membership (ADM). The student, to be included in the student count, must be enrolled in courses jointly approved by the governing boards for satellite courses taught within a district or charter school, or courses solely approved by the CTED for centrally located courses. Students enrolled in a CTED program internship course are not included in the CTED student count (A.R.S. § 15- 393).
Currently, the ADM for a student in grades 10 through 12 enrolled in a course that meets for at least 150 minutes per class period is as follows: 1) 0.75 for students enrolled at a centralized campus; or 2) up to 0.75 for students enrolled at a leased centralized campus. Students in an approved CTED centralized program may generate 1.0 ADM during any day of the week at any time between July 1 and June 30 of each fiscal year (A.R.S. § 15- 393).
The Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) serves as Arizona's workforce planning coordinator and is responsible for: 1) collecting employment surveys; 2) providing economic and demographic research and analyses; 3) providing support to the Workforce Arizona Council; and 4) evaluating regulatory and taxation costs at the state and local level (OEO).
S.B. 1179 could increase costs to the state General Fund if Basic State Aid costs increase due to CTED ADM.
ADM and Funding Calculations
1. Includes students in grade 9 and the school year immediately following graduation in the student count or ADM of a CTED, school district that is a part of a CTED or charter school if the student is enrolled in an approved CTED course.
2. Limits funding to no more than four years for the same student.
3. Requires students in grade 9 to reach day 40 of grade 10 enrolled in an approved CTE program to generate funding as part of a CTED ADM calculation.
4. Requires students in grade 9 or the school year after graduation to enroll in a program included on the In-Demand Regional Education List (List) complied by OEO for that student’s region in the year they began the program to generate funding as a part of a CTED ADM.
5. Specifies that students in grade 9 or the school year after graduation enrolled in a course that meets for at least 150 minutes per class period will generate an ADM of:
a) 0.75, if they are enrolled at a centralized campus; or
b) up to 0.75, if they are enrolled at a leased centralized campus.
6. Allows students in an approved CTED leased campus centralized program to generate an ADM during any day of the week and at any time between July 1 and June 30 each fiscal year.
7. Includes, in a CTED student count, students enrolled in an internship course as a part of a CTED program.
In-Demand Regional Education List
8. Requires the OEO, in collaboration with ADE, to compile a List of approved CTE programs that lead to a career path in high demand jobs with median-to-high wages in that region, by September 1 of each year.
9. Requires the OEO to incorporate industry feedback in List development and submit the List to the Arizona CTE Quality Commission for review and approval.
10. Deems a student, in FYs 2022 through 2025, qualifies for funding in the year immediately following graduation if they are participating in an approved CTE program included on the List on the date it was compiled.
11. Makes technical and conforming changes.
12. Becomes effective on the general effective date.
Prepared by Senate Research
January 29, 2021