Assigned to GOV & APPROP                                                                            AS PASSED BY COMMITTEE






Fifty-Fifth Legislature, First Regular Session





procurement; final list; number


            Increases the number of persons or firms that must be interviewed or included on a final list in certain state procurement contracts by state governmental units authorized to enter into contracts (purchasing agencies).             


            The Arizona Procurement Code outlines requirements for procurement of services or materials using public monies by the state acting through a purchasing agency, including departments, commissions, councils, committees, agencies and officials of the executive branch or Arizona Corporation Commission (A.R.S. §§ 41-2501 and 41-2503). A purchasing agency may procure multiple contracts in a single procurement process when procuring certain job-order-contracting construction services or certain professional services. If a purchasing agency chooses to procure multiple contracts in a single procurement, the contract must be awarded based on demonstrated competence and qualifications for the type of professional services or construction services provided.

The purchasing agency must issue a request for qualifications for each procurement, which must state the number of contracts that may or will be awarded and describe the professional services or job-order contracting construction services to be performed under each contract. Additionally, the request for proposals must state the number of persons or firms that will be included on the final list and the minimum number of interviews that will be held if the purchasing agent chooses to hold interviews as part of the selection process. The final list must include up to five persons or firms and the purchasing agency must hold at least three to five interviews or interviews on three to five times the number of contracts that will be awarded, depending upon the type of services provided in the contract. The director or head of each purchasing agency must initiate an appropriately qualified selection committee for each request for qualifications. The selection committee must conduct all interviews and select all persons or firms for inclusion on the final list. The procurement officer must conduct negotiations with persons or firms on the final list before awarding a contract or contracts to a person or firm (A.R.S. § 41-2579).

There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.


1.   Increases the number of persons or firms that a request for qualifications issued by a purchasing agency must indicate will be included on a final list in a single procurement for multiple contracts to a maximum of 10 persons or firms, rather than:

a)   between 3 and 5 persons or firms in a procurement for multiple contracts for professional services; or

b)   up to 5 persons or firms, in a procurement for similar job-order-contracting construction services or multiple contracts for different professional services.

2.   Increases the number of interviews that must be held pursuant to a request for qualifications by a purchasing agency when holding interviews as part of the selection process for procuring multiple contracts in a single procurement as follows:

a)   a maximum of 10, rather than between 3 and 5, persons or firms in a procurement of multiple contracts for professional services;

b)   a maximum of 10, rather than up to 5, persons or firms in a procurement of multiple contracts for similar job-order-contracting construction services; or

c)   a maximum of 10 persons or firms, rather 3 to 5 times the number of contracts to be awarded, in a procurement of multiple contracts for different professional services.

3.   Makes technical changes.

4.   Becomes effective on the general effective date.

Amendments Adopted by the Government Committee

1.   Requires a request for qualifications issued by a purchasing agency to indicate that the final list will include a maximum of 10 persons or firms, rather than exactly 10 persons or firms in a procurement for multiple contracts for professional services.

2.   Requires a request for qualifications issued by a purchasing agency that will hold interviews as part of the selection process when procuring multiple contracts in a single procurement to indicate that a maximum of 10, rather than at least 10, persons or firms will be interviewed.

Senate Action

 GOV              2/15/21      DPA     8-0-0-0

Prepared by Senate Research

February 16, 2021
