State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: S.B. 1716

            Barto Floor Amendment

            Reference to: HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES

Committee amendment

            Amendment drafted by: Leg Council





1.   Prohibits the Arizona State Hospital (ASH) from placing admission limitations based solely on a patient’s county of residence.

2.   Requires the prescribed annual Governing Body report to include information regarding ASH’s strategic plans related to clinical services and removes proposed reporting information regarding patient participation in the Guilty Except Insane Program and patient cases that are before the Psychiatric Security Review Board (PSRB).

3.   Specifies that prescribed Governing Body reporting requirements do not require the release of any specific patient’s individually identifiable health information.

4.   Specifies that the ASH Independent Oversight Committee (IOC) Chairperson must be invited to each meeting of the Governing Body and requires the ASH IOC Chairperson to provide a quarterly report to the Governing Body.

5.   Requires an ASH patient’s treating psychiatrist, or a designee, to appear as a witness before the PSRB at each hearing regarding the patient’s conditional release.

6.   Makes technical and conforming changes.        


Fifty-fifth Legislature                                                     Barto

First Regular Session                                                   S.B. 1716




(Reference to HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Committee amendment)


Page 1, before line 1, insert:

"Page 1, line 10, after the period strike remainder of line

Line 11, strike "with law.""

Line 2, after the quotation mark insert "; strike "may" insert "shall"; after "based" insert "solely""

Between lines 2 and 3, insert:

"Page 2, line 2, after "minutes" insert "of any meeting that the director attends""

Strike line 5, insert:

"Line 7, strike "4." insert "B."

Reletter to conform

Line 8, strike ", who serves""

Line 6, strike "10" insert "9"; after "12" insert ", insert "shall be invited to each governing body meeting, shall provide a written report to the governing body at least quarterly and shall report to the governing body more frequently as the chairperson deems appropriate."

Between lines 7 and 8, insert:

"Line 29, before "On" insert "A.""

Line 8, after the comma insert "after "served" insert "at each facility at the state hospital";"

Page 2, strike lines 3 through 6, insert:

"Strike line 9

Line 10, strike "expanded" insert:

"4. A summary of the state hospital's current strategic plans for"; strike "plans to" insert "the"; after "use" insert "of"

Line 11, strike ", educational and rehabilitation"; strike "for"

Line 12, strike "patients""

Page 2, line 7, strike "15" insert "13"

Line 9, after the first comma insert "after "of" insert "patient-centered,";"

Strike lines 10 through 12, insert:

"Line 26, after "program" insert a period strike remainder of line"

Line 13, strike "30" insert "27"

Line 14, strike "7." insert "6."

Line 16, strike "8." insert "7."

Between lines 26 and 27, insert:

"Between lines 34 and 35, insert:

"B. This section does not require the release of individually identifiable health information of any specific patient.""

Page 3, between lines 1 and 2, insert:

"Line 12, strike "whenever the"

Line 13, strike "patient appears before the board" insert "at each statutory hearing regarding the patient's conditional release""

Line 15, after "increase" insert "or needs to increase"

Amend title to conform







02:25 PM