Fifty-fifth Legislature                                 Health and Human Services

First Regular Session                                                   S.B. 1716




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 1, line 12, after "treatment" insert ", giving priority to the most ill patients,"

Page 2, line 5, strike the comma insert "and"

Line 6, strike "and a family member of a current or former patient"

Line 9, after the period strike remainder of line

Strike lines 10 through 12

Line 24, strike "$200" insert "$100"

Line 38, after "on" insert "the following:


Line 39, strike the comma insert ".

(b)"; after "treatment" insert ".

(c) each patient's county of residence at the time of admission.

(d) the number of patients recommended to the psychiatric security review board for conditional release"; strike "and" insert ".


Line 40, strike "making significant clinical progress" insert "recommended for conditional release who were approved by the psychiatric security review board"

Strike lines 41 through 45

Page 3, strike lines 1 through 3

Renumber to conform

Line 5, after "for" insert "each"

Line 6, after "of" insert "the admission or denial of the"; strike the comma insert "and"

Page 3, line 7, after "denied" strike remainder of line

Line 8, strike "admission and the admission"

Line 9, after "6." insert "A summary of"; strike "plans and" insert "current strategic plan"

Line 13, after "the" insert "state hospital's"

Line 14, after the first "patients" insert a period strike remainder of line

Strike lines 15 through 24

Renumber to conform

Line 25, after "evidence-based" insert ", trauma informed"

Line 26, after "its" strike remainder of line

Strike line 27

Line 28, strike "used to evaluate the results of the program and to improve"

Strike lines 30 through 32, insert:

"7. The use of contracted staff in the state hospital's staffing plan.

8. The state hospital's assault reduction plan, including all of the following:

(a) The number, type and circumstances of all assaults, with sexual assaults reported separately.

(b) The NUMBER OF assaults reported to law enforcement, regulatory agencies and accreditation agencies and how each assault was reported.

(c) The number of times law enforcement was called to the state hospital in response to an assault.

(d) The number and type of any employment actions taken against state hospital staff who were involved in a patient assault."

Renumber to conform

Line 36, strike the second comma insert "and"; strike "36-223 and 36-224,"

Strike lines 38 through 43

Page 4, line 1, strike "36-221" insert "36-220"

Line 20, strike "Expressly"; after the first "the" insert "statutory"

Strike lines 25 through 38

Line 39, strike "36-223" insert "36-221"

Page 5, line 8, after "assessment" insert ", if clinically indicated"

Line 14, strike "36-224" insert "36-222"

Line 15, strike "A."

Line 19, after "injuries" insert "that required medical treatment"

Strike lines 20 through 22

Line 28, strike "36-224" insert "36-222"

After line 29, insert:

"Sec. 6. Legislative intent

The Legislature intends in section 36-202, subsection A, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by this act, that patients across this state have access to the unique facilities and services of the state hospital that are the highest level of care in this state, based on severity of clinical need.  The Legislature does not intend section 36-202, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by this act, to mean or be interpreted to mean that the state hospital must increase the number of beds that the state hospital operates.  The Legislature further intends that admission to the state hospital based on a patient's clinical need without regard to county of residence is in the interest of this state's public health and safety."

Amend title to conform







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C: mh