State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: H.B. 2053

            Gowan Floor Amendment

            Reference to: APPROPRIATIONS Committee amendment

            Amendment drafted by: Mike Hans





1.   Reinserts the statutory per diem rate of $35 dollars per day, rather than 100 percent of the annual federal per-diem rate for Maricopa County excluding lodging, for members of the Legislature whose permanent residence is within Maricopa County.

2.   Requires members of the Legislature whose primary residence is outside of Maricopa County to receive 100 percent of the average of the six highest months of the annual federal per-diem rate for Maricopa County, rather than 100 percent of the annual federal per-diem rate for Maricopa County, during the first 120 days of a regular session.

3.   Reinserts the reduced per-diem rate of $10 for members of the Legislature whose primary residence is within Maricopa County for each day after the first 120 days of a regular session.

4.   Requires members of the Legislature whose primary residence is outside of Maricopa County to receive a reduced per-diem rate of 50 percent of the average of the six highest months of the annual federal per-diem rate for Maricopa County for each day after the first 120 days of a regular session.

5.   Removes the emergency clause.

6.   Makes technical and conforming changes.


Fifty-fifth Legislature                                                     Gowan

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2053




(Reference to APPROPRIATIONS Committee amendment)


Page 3, strike lines 8 through 11, insert "$35."

Line 13, after "the" insert "average of the six highest months of the"

Strike lines 17 through 25, insert:

"C. Subsistence allowed to each member of the legislature during the regular session as provided in subsection B of this section shall be limited to the first one hundred twenty days of a regular session. After the first one hundred twenty days of a regular session, each member of the legislature whose permanent residence is within maricopa county shall be paid the sum of ten dollars $10 for subsistence for each day of the regular session beyond the first one hundred twenty days.  Each member whose permanent residence is outside of Maricopa county shall receive an additional ten dollars fifty percent of the amount determined annually by the director of the department of administration pursuant to subsection B of this section for each day beyond the first one hundred twenty days of a regular session as subsistence."

Reletter to conform

Line 27, strike "subsection" insert "subsections"; after "b" insert "and c"

Page 4, strike lines 5 through 8

Amend title to conform







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