State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: H.B. 2605

            Barto Floor Amendment

            Reference to: HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES

Committee amendment

            Amendment drafted by: Leg Council





1.   Removes proposed language that requires digital test results be sent to the Department of Health Services (DHS) and that noncompliant results be posted on DHS’s website.

2.   Charges the Medical Marijuana Advisory Council (Advisory Council) with reviewing both the medical and adult use marijuana testing programs.

3.   Prohibits the Advisory Council’s annual report from including identifying information.

4.   Requires the Advisory Council’s annual report to include:

a)   information regarding remediation efforts to address testing deficiencies and specifies that such information must be delineated in a deidentified manner by entity; and

b) recommendations on improving testing programs.

5.   Requires DHS to adopt rules that prohibit a marijuana establishment from having a financial ownership interest in a marijuana testing facility.

6.   Makes technical and conforming changes.


Fifty-fifth Legislature                                                     Barto

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2605




(Reference to HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Committee amendment)




Page 1, strike lines 9 through 12

Line 13, before "Between" insert "Page 3,"

Page 7, line 18, strike "medical"

Line 19, strike "program" insert "programs under this chapter and chapter 28.2 of this title"

Line 23, after "report" insert "that does not disclose any identifying information and"

Line 26, strike "notices of violations" insert "statements of deficiencies relating to testing"; after "to" insert "each"

Line 27, strike "dispensaries" insert "dispensary"; strike "laboratories" insert "laboratory"

Line 28, strike "establishments" insert "establishment"; strike "facilities" insert "facility"

Line 29, after "year" insert ", the remediation efforts made to address each deficiency and the resolution of each statement of deficiency"; after the period insert "The information may not disclose any identifying information but shall delineate the information by entity."

Between lines 29 and 30, insert:

"3. Any other recommendations on improving the testing programs."

Page 8, between lines 6 and 7, insert:

"Page 5, line 45, after "familial" insert "relationship with"; strike "relationship with or" insert "ownership""

Page 8, line 7, after the first comma insert "line 2, after the period insert "The rules shall include prohibiting a marijuana establishment from having a financial ownership interest in a marijuana testing facility.""

Amend title to conform







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