Fifty-fifth Legislature                                            Appropriations

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2707




(Reference to House engrossed bill)


Page 1, line 4, strike "failure reduction" insert "success"; after "payments" insert "and grants"

Line 7, after "A" insert "county"

Line 8, strike "failure reduction" insert "success"

Line 9, strike "calendar" insert "fiscal"; strike "for"; strike "county, the"; strike "failure"

Line 10, strike "reduction" insert "success"; strike "estimated"

Line 11, strike "returning to" insert "entering"

Line 13, strike "forty-five" insert "fifty"

Line 14, after the period insert "The administrative office of the courts shall calculate a statewide probation success incentive grant program that equals the number of probationers successfully prevented from entering prison statewide, compared to the statewide historical baseline calculated in subsection G, paragraph 1 of this section multiplied by twenty-five percent of the marginal cost of incarceration as required by subsection F of this section."

Line 15, after the second "the" insert "county probation success"

Line 17, after the period insert "The administrative office of the courts shall deposit the statewide probation success incentive grant payment in a subaccount established by the administrative office of the courts for the purpose of recidivism reduction and improving probation services."

Line 18, strike "failure reduction" insert "success"

Line 19, strike "payments" insert "payment and any monies received from a statewide probation success incentive grant"

Page 1, strike lines 30 through 35, insert:

         "4. Recognizing and rewarding probation officers in adult probation departments whose work has advanced the implementation of evidence-based practices or who have contributed to the probation department's recidivism reduction efforts.

5. Paying for continuing education and training that focuses on evidence-based practices for probation officers or probation staff, or both."

Line 38, after "allocate" insert "county"

Line 39, strike "failure reduction" insert "success"

Line 40, strike "the" insert "a"; strike the second "probation"

Line 41, strike "programming" insert "the programs prescribed in subsection B of this section.  a board consisting of the chief probation officer from each county shall determine The distribution of statewide probation success incentive grants.  A county's chief probation officer must be recused in a vote that may award a grant to the chief probation officer's probation department"; after "the" insert "county and statewide"; strike "failure reduction" insert "success"

Page 2, line 1, strike "of the" insert "for any county or statewide"; strike "failure reduction" insert "success"; after "allocated" insert "or grants awarded"

Line 2, after "shall" strike remainder of line

Line 3, strike "1."; strike "sixty percent of"

Line 4, after "for" strike remainder of line

Strike lines 5 through 9, insert "the improving probation services and recidivism reduction funding activities prescribed in subsection B of this section."

Line 10, strike "3." insert "In the county's discretion, the county may"; after "retain" insert "up to"

Line 13, after "payments" insert "or grants"; strike "incentive payments, including any interest," insert "monies"

Line 15, strike "thirty" insert "sixty"; strike "deposit" insert "allocation"

Page 2, lines 18 and 20, strike "calendar" insert "fiscal"

Lines 22 and 23, strike "for a person who enters prison from probation"

Lines 25 and 27, strike "calendar" insert "fiscal"

Line 28, after "for" insert "this state and"

Line 30, after "who" strike remainder of line

Line 31, strike "2015 and 2021" insert "failed to successfully complete a term of probation during calendar years 2008 and 2015 and fiscal year 2021"; strike "adult probation population"

Line 32, strike "during that same period" insert "number of probationers who successfully completed a term of probation during that same time period.  When calculating probation failure, if a person on probation spends less than fourteen days in detention, that person's detention is not a probation failure"

Line 34, after "probationers" strike remainder of line

Line 35, strike "after one of" insert "who failed to successfully complete a term of probation includes"; strike "occurs"

Strike lines 36 through 39, insert:

"(a) A probationer whose probation was revoked for a new crime or  technical violation.

(b) A probationer whose whereabouts are unknown and an arrest warrant was issued for the probationer during the fiscal year."

Line 40, after "probationers" insert "this state and"

Line 41, strike "returning to prison.  For each county," insert "failing probation."

Lines 42 and 43, strike "county's"

Page 3, line 2, strike "each county's" insert "the"

Line 3, strike "calendar" insert "fiscal"

Line 4, strike "county's"; strike "the" insert "calendar"; strike the comma insert "and"; after "and" insert "fiscal year"

Line 6, strike "per county"

Line 10, strike "failure reduction" insert "success"

Page 3, line 17, strike "payments" insert "payment grants"

Between lines 28 and 29, insert:

         "4. The number of probation absconders who are located each year and the disposition of the case."

Renumber to conform

Line 32, strike "state department of corrections" insert "joint legislative budget committee"

Line 33, after "received" insert "and grants awarded"

Line 34, strike "2023" insert "2024"

Page 4, line 5, after "prison" insert "or jail or who abscond from probation"

Line 15, strike the first "fiscal" insert "calendar"; strike the comma insert "and"; after "and" insert "fiscal year"

Line 17, after "who" strike remainder of line

Line 18, strike "given county" insert "failed to successfully complete the person's term of probation that is"; strike "in a"

Strike line 19, insert "and that is calculated on a statewide basis and for each county."

Page 5, strike lines 3 through 8

Amend title to conform







03:45 PM