Fifty-fifth Legislature                                                   Finance

First Regular Session                                                 S.C.R. 1028




(Reference to printed resolution)


Strike everything after the resolving clause and insert:

"1. Article IV, part 1, Constitution of Arizona, is proposed to be amended by adding section 3 as follows if approved by the voters and on proclamation of the Governor:

3. Initiatives; required reauthorization; retroactivity; analysis; exceptions

Section 3. A. A statewide initiative measure that is approved by a vote of the people is valid for five years after the measure's initial approval. a reauthorization measure shall be referred to a vote of the people at the general election that occurs during the year before the measure expires for reauthorization of the measure for another five years. Reauthorization of the measure is required every five years unless the measure is repealed.

B. If a majority of those voting on the REAUTHORIZATION measure vote yes, the measure is reauthorized for another five years, and the measure shall be referred to another vote of the people at the general election that occurs before the fifth year after the reauthorization measure's approval. If a majority of those voting on the reauthorization measure vote no, the measure is repealed and is of no further legal effect.

C. This section applies retroactively to all statewide initiative measures approved on or after November 3, 1998. These measures must be referred for reauthorization at the general election held in 2024 and shall be reauthorized every five years thereafter as provided by this section.

D. For each reauthorization measure required by this section, the legislative council shall prepare an analysis for publication in the publicity pamphlet as provided by law.

E. This section does not apply to statewide initiatives that amend the constitution of this state or statewide referendums. 

2. The Secretary of State shall submit this proposition to the voters at the next general election as provided by article XXI, Constitution of Arizona."

Amend title to conform







12:37 PM