State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: S.B. 1356

Pace #1 Floor Amendment

            Reference to: printed bill

            Amendment drafted by: Leg Council






1.   Requires the Auditor General to conduct a county transportation excise tax performance audit every five years.

2.   Requires a Regional Planning Agency to:

a)   consider truck parking availability when considering the construction, expansion, or modification of freeways or other routes in the state highway system; and

b) allocate at least $90 million for the implementation of commercial motor vehicle parking.

3.   Modifies the distribution of Transportation Tax Plan monies.

4.   Allows up to five percent of the transportation excise tax revenues to be transferred annually between the Regional Area Road Fund and the Public Transportation Fund.

5.   Prohibits transportation excise tax monies from being used to influence the outcome of an election. 

6.   Defines regional programs.


Fifty-fifth Legislature                                                      Pace

Second Regular Session                                                  S.B. 1356




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 3, between lines 31 and 32, insert:

"12. "Regional programs" means transportation projects that are selected through a performance-based process for arterial improvements, active transportation, air quality, emerging technologies, intelligent transportation systems, safety and transportation demand management."

Renumber to conform

Page 4, line 18, strike "paragraph" insert "paragraphs"; after "1" insert "and 2"

Page 5, line 23, strike "paragraph" insert "paragraphs"; after "1" insert "and 2"

Page 10, line 13, after "general" strike remainder of line

Strike line 14

Line 15, strike "in regional transportation planning to" insert "shall"

Page 12, line 12, after the period insert "The regional planning agency shall consider truck parking availability when considering the construction, expansion or modification of freeways or other routes in the state highway system. On or before December 31, 2049, the regional planning agency shall allocate at least $90,000,000 for the implementation of commercial motor vehicle parking that is consistent with a regionally adopted truck parking plan, including funding for construction, land acquisition, lease, maintenance or operations or entry into a public-private partnership agreement."

Page 13, line 37, after "of" insert "at least"

Page 21, strike lines 3 through 21, insert:

"D. The plan adopted under title 28, chapter 17, article 2 shall specify the distribution of monies collected under this section into the regional area road fund established pursuant to section 28-6302 or the public transportation fund established by section 48-5103. Except as provided in subsection F of this section, the plan shall distribute:

1. 37.4 percent to the regional area road fund for freeways and other routes in the state highway system, including capital expense and maintenance.

2. 22.2 percent to the regional area road fund for major arterial streets and regional programs, including capital expense and implementation studies.

3. 40.4 percent to the public transportation fund for both:

(a) Capital costs, maintenance and operation of public transportation mode classifications.

(b) Capital costs and utility relocation costs associated with the light rail system.

E. not more than five percent of the revenues collected under this section may be transferred annually between subsection D, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this section.

F. Not more than fourteen percent of the revenues collected annually under this section may be spent on light rail systems in a manner described in subsection D, paragraph 3, subdivision (b) of this section.

G. The distribution specified in subsection D, paragraph 1 of this section may not be decreased.

H. Monies collected pursuant to this section may not be used to influence the outcome of an election."

Reletter to conform

Page 22, line 17, strike "2" insert "3, subdivision (b)"

Amend title to conform





09:12 AM