Number: S.B. 1399
Kerr Floor Amendment
Reference to: printed bill
Amendment drafted by: Leg Council
1. Requires contractors that have a religious objection to services required by a contract to submit an alternative approach to meet the services required by the contract.
2. Stipulates that, if a contract requires an evidence-based curriculum, the alternative approach must be evidence-based and listed on the appropriate clearinghouse.
3. Permits a contractor to satisfy contractual obligations by collaborating with other contractors to provide the services objected to.
4. Prohibits judicial or administrative actions for violations of the discrimination prohibition from being brought against a court.
5. Specifies that refusing to hire, firing, demoting or adversely altering the terms of an employee's employment is only considered a discriminatory action if the person subject to the adverse action has provided notice to the employer of their religious objection.
6. Defines contractor as a person that advertises, provides or facilitates adoption or foster care services and that contracts with the state to provide educational training for adopted or foster care children and parents.
7. Makes technical changes.
Second Regular Session S.B. 1399
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 1, line 10, after "government" insert "or any private person who sues under or attempts to enforce a law, rule or regulation that is adopted by this state or a political subdivision of this state"
Line 15, strike "a" insert "the person's"
Between lines 15 and 16, insert:
"b. notwithstanding subsection a of this section, if a contractor has a religious objection to providing services required by a contract, the contractor shall submit with their contract proposal an alternative approach to meet the services required by the contract. If the contract requires an evidence-based curriculum, the alternative approach must be evidence-based and listed on the appropriate clearinghouse. The contractor may satisfy the contract obligations by collaborating with other contractors to provide services that the contractor objects to providing based on a religious BELIEf or exercise of religion."
Reletter to conform
Line 16, after "government" insert "or any private person who sues under or attempts to enforce a law, rule or regulation that is adopted by this state or a political subdivision of this state"
Line 19, strike the third "a" insert "the person's"
Line 21, strike "B" insert "C"
Line 26, after "commenced" insert "against the state government except a court"
Line 32, after "government" insert "except a court"
Line 37, after "claim" insert "against the state government except a court"; after the first "or" insert "as a"
Page 2, between lines 17 and 18, insert:
"2. "contractor" means a person that:
(a) Advertises, provides or facilitates adoption or adoption services.
(b) advertises, provides or facilitates foster care or foster care services.
(c) contracts with this state to provide educational training for adopted or foster care children and parents."
Renumber to conform
Page 2, line 19, after "following" insert "on the basis of a person's religious belief or exercise of religion"
Line 43, after "government" insert "if the person that is the subject of the adverse employment action has first given notice to their employer of their religious objection."
Page 3, strike lines 31 through 33
Line 39, strike "______" insert "twenty-five"
Amend title to conform