Amendment drafted by: Leg Council
1. Requires the Arizona Department of Administration appropriation for ballot testing allow for different sized ballots.
2. Increases the Health Care Investment Fund policy from $270,000,000 to $400,000,000.
3. Removes the footnote relating to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the $600,000 appropriation to the EEOC.
4. Increases the employee stipends to the Attorney General from the Consumer Fraud Fund by $1,000,00.
5. Removes the footnote of use of monies for the Expert Witness and Outside Counsel appropriation.
6. Appropriates $2,000,000 from the state General Fund to the Arizona Department of Corrections for a community treatment for imprisoned for imprisoned women.
7. Increases the appropriation to the Department of Economic Security for adult services by $2,000,000.
8. Modifies the increase for District Additional Assistance and Charter Additional Assistance to proportional to student count.
9. Removes the $300,000 for the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) apprenticeship program.
10. Appropriates $250,000 to ADE to administer the adult education and workforce development program.
11. Clarifies the foster home youth transitional housing appropriation the units may serve foster youths pursuing a high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma and earning an industry certification.
12. Lowers the salary increase to Superior Court judges in the first year from 20 percent to 10 percent.
13. Requires the Arizona State Parks Board to manage the monies for the Arizona Trail to a nonprofit entity.
14. Increases the appropriation for election funding to the Secretary of State by $4,000,000.
15. Stipulates if an entity, that receives monies from the Arizona Board of Regents for a Camp Verde meat processing plant, receives monies from the sell of processing meat the monies must be deposited into the state GF.
16. Specifies in the appropriation to the University of Arizona Natural Resource Users Law and Policy Center that $1,000,000 is for the operation of the center and $450,000 is to conduct a statewide survey of species in Arizona.
17. Adds a FTE to the Arizona State Veterinary Medical Examining Board.
18. Appropriates $1,000,000 from the state GF in FY 2023 to ADE to be deposited into the Invest in Postsecondary Success Program Fund.
19. Increases the appropriation to the Arts Trust Fund from $2,000,000 to $5,000,000.
20. Appropriates $80,000,000 from the state GF in FY 2023 to Arizona State University and Northern Arizona University for capital improvements and operating expenditures and allocates it as follows:
a) $54,000,000 Arizona State University (ASU); and
b) $26,000,000 Northern Arizona University (NAU).
21. Requires of the $26,000,000 to NAU that $5,000,000 be used to expand program offerings on the NAU campus located in Yuma.
22. Requires ASU and NAU, by August 1, 2022, report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on the intended uses of the monies.
23. Requires ASU and NAU before spending monies on capital projects to submit the scope of the purpose and estimated costs to the Joint Committee on Capital Review.
24. Appropriates $17,978,000 from the state GF in FY 2024 and $23,836,00 in FY 2025 to ADE for basic state aid and requires the monies be used to fund ongoing per pupil charter additional assistance.
25. Appropriates $71,022,000 from the state GF in FY 2024 and $94,164,000 from in FY 2025 to ADE for basic state aid and requires the monies be used to fund ongoing in per pupil district additional assistance.
26. Appropriates $63,000,000 from the state GF in FY 2024 and $100,000,000 in FY 2025 to ADE for basic state aid and requires the monies be used to fund an ongoing increase in the Free Reduced Price Lunch group B weight.
27. Makes technical and conforming changes to the statewide adjustment amount and revenue reporting levels.
28. Makes technical and conforming changes.
Second Regular Session S.B. 1729
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 5, line 40, after "elector" strike remainder of line insert ". The testing shall"
Page 8, line 39, strike "7,242,738,500" insert "7,303,608,100"
Line 40, strike "6,335,427,700" insert "6,390,896,200"
Line 41, strike "797,037,900" insert "804,705,200"
Line 43, strike "244,086,000" insert "244,906,300"
Line 44, strike "151,996,300" insert "152,682,100"
Page 9, line 1, strike "2,571,602,900" insert "2,576,091,400"
Line 20, strike "18,349,174,300" insert "18,479,174,300"
Line 36, strike "15,652,051,500" insert "15,782,051,500"
Page 10, line 38, strike "270,000,000" insert "400,000,000"
Page 14, lines 43 and 45, strike "2,000,000" insert "5,000,000"
Page 15, strike line 17
Line 18, strike "2,000,000" insert "3,000,000"
Line 34, strike "91,466,200" insert "91,866,200"
Line 44, strike "19,063,100" insert "19,463,100"
Page 16, strike lines 27 through 36
Page 25, between lines 34 and 35, insert:
"Community treatment program
for imprisoned women 2,000,000*"
Line 40, strike "1,403,597,900" insert "1,405,597,900"
Page 25, line 42, strike "1,345,400,900" insert "1,347,400,900"
Page 31, line 8, strike "10,731,900" insert "12,731,900"
Page 32, line 8, strike "4,649,209,700" insert "4,651,209,700"
Line 10, strike "1,058,144,700" insert "1,060,144,700"
Page 36, between lines 2 and 3, insert:
"The $8,000,000 appropriated in the sexual violence services line item pursuant to laws 2021, chapter 408, section 28 is exempt from the provisions of section 35-190, Arizona Revised Statutes, relating to the lapsing of appropriations."
Line 18, strike "5,542,055,000" insert "5,652,055,000"
Line 28, strike "16,423,300" insert "20,423,300"
Between lines 29 and 30, insert:
"Adult education and workforce
development administration 250,000"
Strike lines 36 and 37
Page 37, line 21, strike "7,359,258,300" insert "7,473,208,300"
Line 23, strike "5,859,497,600" insert "5,973,447,600"
Page 40, line 13, after "a" insert "high school diploma or a"; strike "or earn" insert "and who are earning an"
Line 23, after "a" insert "high school diploma or a"; strike "or" insert "and"
Page 54, line 30, strike "renumeration" insert "remuneration"
Page 58, line 6, strike "26,098,600" insert "24,962,600"
Line 24, strike "121,942,500" insert "120,806,500"
Line 26, strike "109,966,900" insert "108,830,900"
Page 59, line 4, strike "2,272,100" insert "1,136,100"
Line 7, strike "180,000" insert "164,700. As of January 1, 2024, the annual salary is $180,000"
Page 67, line 10, strike "may not distribute" insert "shall manage"
Line 11, after "item" insert "but may distribute the monies"; strike "any" insert "a"
Page 73, line 10, strike "4,000,000" insert "8,000,000"
Line 16, strike "18,678,000" insert "22,678,000"
Page 73, line 18, strike "16,907,700" insert "20,907,700"
Page 78, line 14, after the first period insert "If the entity receiving the monies sells the meat processing facility, the proceeds from the sale shall be transferred to this state for deposit in the state general fund."
Page 84, line 43, after "extension" insert ", with $500,000"
Line 45, after "Statutes" insert ", $1,000,000 for operational costs of the natural resource users law and policy center and $450,000 to conduct a statewide survey of species in this state"
Page 86, line 13, strike "6.0" insert "7.0"
Page 94, between lines 4 and 5, insert:
"Sec. 109. Appropriation; invest in postsecondary success program fund;
The sum of $1,000,000 is appropriated from the state general fund in fiscal year 2022-2023 to the department of education for deposit in the invest in postsecondary success program fund established by section 15-249.18, Arizona Revised Statutes."
Renumber to conform
Lines 31, 35 and 40, strike "41-4259" insert "26-106"
Page 97, between lines 37 and 38, insert:
"Sec. 117. Appropriations; universities; report; review; fiscal year 2022-2023
A. The sum of $80,000,000 is appropriated from the state general fund in fiscal year 2022-2023 to Arizona state university and northern Arizona university for capital improvements and operating expenditures as follows:
1. Arizona state university $54,000,000
2. Northern Arizona university $26,000,000
B. Of the amount appropriated for northern Arizona university in subsection A of this section, $5,000,000 shall be used to expand program offerings on the northern Arizona university campus located in Yuma.
C. On or before August 1, 2022, each university shall report the intended use of the monies to the joint legislative budget committee.
D. Before spending the monies appropriated in subsection A of this section for capital improvements, each university shall submit the scope, purpose and estimated cost of the capital improvements for review by the joint committee on capital review pursuant to section 41-1252, Arizona Revised Statutes."
Renumber to conform
Page 100, line 5, strike "505,900" insert "730,900"
Line 8, strike "175,000" insert "400,000"
Line 9, strike "(2,954,800)" insert "(2,995,600)"
Line 11, strike "(654,800)" insert "(695,600)"
Line 21, strike "83,244,800" insert "103,244,800"
Line 24, strike "20,000,000" insert "40,000,000"
Line 30, strike "11,011,400" insert "13,011,400"
Line 33, strike "3,000,000" insert "5,000,000"
Line 34, strike "2,217,400" insert "2,618,000"
Line 36, strike "1,617,400" insert "1,618,000"
Line 37, strike "600,000" insert "1,000,000"
Line 38, strike "985,300" insert "1,078,000"
Line 41, strike "357,300" insert "450,000"
Page 106, between lines 6 and 7, insert:
"Sec. 127. Appropriations; additional assistance; FRPL group B weight; fiscal year 2023-2024
A. The sum of $17,978,000 is appropriated from the state general fund in fiscal year 2023-2024 to the department of education for basic state aid. The appropriated amount shall be used to fund an ongoing increase in the per pupil charter additional assistance amounts prescribed in section 15-185, subsection B, paragraph 4, Arizona Revised Statutes, above the amount of charter additional assistance that otherwise would be provided by law for fiscal year 2023-2024.
B. The sum of $71,022,000 is appropriated from the state general fund in fiscal year 2023-2024 to the department of education for basic state aid. The appropriated amount shall be used to fund an ongoing increase in the per pupil district additional assistance amounts prescribed in section 15-961, Arizona Revised Statutes, above the amount of district additional assistance that otherwise would be provided by law for fiscal year 2023-2024.
C. The sum of $63,000,000 is appropriated from the state general fund in fiscal year 2023-2024 to the department of education for basic state aid. The appropriated amount shall be used to fund an ongoing increase in the FRPL group B weight established by section 15-943, paragraph 2, subdivision (b), Arizona Revised Statutes.
Sec. 128. Appropriations; additional assistance; FRPL group B weight; fiscal year 2024-2025
A. The sum of $23,836,000 is appropriated from the state general fund in fiscal year 2024-2025 to the department of education for basic state aid. The appropriated amount shall be used to fund an ongoing increase in the per pupil charter additional assistance amounts prescribed in section 15-185, subsection B, paragraph 4, Arizona Revised Statutes, above the amount of charter additional assistance that otherwise would be provided by law for fiscal year 2024-2025.
B. The sum of $94,164,000 is appropriated from the state general fund in fiscal year 2024-2025 to the department of education for basic state aid. The appropriated amount shall be used to fund an ongoing increase in the per pupil district additional assistance amounts prescribed in section 15-961, Arizona Revised Statutes, above the amount of district additional assistance that otherwise would be provided by law for fiscal year 2024-2025.
C. The sum of $100,000,000 is appropriated from the state general fund in fiscal year 2024-2025 to the department of education for basic state aid. The appropriated amount shall be used to fund an ongoing increase in the FRPL group B weight established by section 15-943, paragraph 2, subdivision (b), Arizona Revised Statutes."
Renumber to conform
Page 109, line 4, strike "17,808,800,000" insert "17,948,800,000"
Line 6, strike "16,671,100,000" insert "16,830,400,000"
Line 8, strike "15,797,700,000" insert "15,789,300,000"
Line 10, strike "15,194,800,000" insert "15,245,700,000"
Line 12, strike "15,900,800,000" insert "15,881,600,000"
Line 14, strike "15,849,300,000" insert "15,867,200,000"
Amend title to conform