State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: H.B. 2121

            Livingston Floor Amendment

            Reference to: FINANCE Committee amendment

            Amendment drafted by: Leg Council





Medicare Supplement Insurance

1.   Removes the prohibition on the Director of the Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions (DIFI) prohibiting Medicare supplement insurance providers from offering discounts to enrollees for early enrollment or payment method.

2.   Allows an insurer, for the purposes of Medicare supplement insurance, to file for Medicare supplement rates that include an early enrollment discount that will not be considered an attained age rating structure.

3.   Requires an early enrollment discount to diminish over a period of time and is only available to enrollees who purchase the plan within the early enrollment period designated by the insurer.

4.   Requires an insurer to disclose to all applicants how the early enrollment discount will diminish over time.

Flood Insurance and High-Risk Fire Areas

5.   Requires an insurer authorized to transact casualty or property insurance and that insures residential property in Arizona to provide information to its policyholders about how to obtain flood insurance and the National Flood Insurance Program.

6.   Requires DIFI to post the following information on a publicly accessible website:

a)   how a homeowner can purchase flood insurance;

b) a statement that homeowners' insurance coverage does not include flood damage; and

c)   how a homeowner can determine whether a homeowner's residence or property is located in a designated high-risk fire area.

7.   Requires the State Forester to make available to DIFI the list of areas that have been designated as high risk for wildfire.


8.   Exempts an insurer, if the federal laws that require providing a certificate of creditable coverage are superseded by the prohibition on preexisting condition exclusions, from the requirement to:

a)   provide a certificate of creditable coverage; and

b) comply with certain annual reporting requirements relating to eligible individuals.

9.   Removes the specification that a motor vehicle liability policy is not required to provide coverage for any liability not required under state law.

10. Removes the authorization for a motor vehicle liability policy to contain exclusions except as specifically prohibited by law.

11. Makes technical and conforming changes.


Fifty-fifth Legislature                                                Livingston

Second Regular Session                                                  H.B. 2121




(Reference to FINANCE Committee amendment)


Page 1, between lines 1 and 2, insert:

"Section 1. Title 20, chapter 1, article 1, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 20-127, to read:

START_STATUTE20-127. Flood insurance; high-risk fire area

The DEPARTMENT shall post the following INFORMATION on a publicly accessible website using understandable, nontechnical and consumer-friendly language that:

1. States how a homeowner can purchase flood insurance.

2. Includes a statement that homeowners' insurance coverage does not include flood damage, including floods that are caused by a wildfire or other perils such as landslide, mudslide, mudflow or debris flow and that occur after a wildfire.

3. States how a homeowner can determine whether a homeowner's residence or property is located in an area that is designated a high-risk fire area by the Arizona Department of Forestry and fire management." END_STATUTE

Renumber to conform

Page 8, after line 30, insert:

"Sec. 4. Title 20, chapter 2, article 2, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 20-252.01, to read:

START_STATUTE20-252.01. Flood insurance; notification

An insurer that is authorized to transact casualty insurance and that insures residential property located in this state shall provide information to its policyholders through a website or other reasonable means of communication in understandable and nontechnical language about how to obtain flood insurance and the national flood insurance program."

Renumber to conform

Page 10, line 22, after "insurance;" insert "early enrollment discounts;"

Line 28, after the period strike remainder of line

Strike lines 29 and 30, insert:

"B. For the purposes of this section, an insurer may file for medicare supplement rates that include an early enrollment discount that will not be considered an attained age rating structure. An early enrollment discount shall diminish over a period of TIME and is only available to enrollees who purchase the plan within the early ENROLLMENT period designated by the insurer. Insurers shall disclose to all applicants how the early enrollment discount will diminish over time."

Reletter to conform

Page 11, between lines 26 and 27, insert:

"Sec. 7. Section 20-1379, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE20-1379. Guaranteed availability of individual health insurance coverage; prior group coverage; definitions

A. Every health care insurer that offers individual health insurance coverage in the individual market in this state shall provide guaranteed availability of coverage to an eligible individual who desires to enroll in individual health insurance coverage and shall not:

1. Decline to offer that coverage to, or deny enrollment of, that individual.

2. Impose any preexisting condition exclusion for that coverage.

B. Every health care insurer that offers individual health insurance coverage in the individual market in this state shall offer all policy forms of health insurance coverage that are designed for, that are made generally available and actively marketed to and that enroll both eligible or other individuals.  A health care insurer that offers only one policy form in the individual market complies with this section by offering that form to eligible individuals. A health care insurer also may comply with the requirements of this section by electing to offer at least two different policy forms to eligible individuals as provided by subsection C of this section.

C. A health care insurer shall meet the requirements prescribed in subsection B of this section if:

1. The health care insurer offers at least two different policy forms, both of which are designed for, are made generally available and actively marketed to and enroll both eligible and other individuals.

2. The offer includes at least either:

(a) The policy forms with the largest and next to the largest earned premium volume of all policy forms offered by the health care insurer in this state in the individual market during a period not to exceed the preceding two calendar years.

(b) A choice of two policy forms with representative coverage, consisting of a lower level of coverage policy form and a higher level of coverage policy form, each of which includes benefits that are substantially similar to other individual health insurance coverage offered by the health care insurer in this state and each of which is covered by a method that provides for risk adjustment, risk spreading or a risk spreading mechanism among the health care insurer's policies.

D. The health care insurer's election pursuant to subsection C of this section is effective for policies offered during a period of at least two years.

E. If a health care insurer offers individual health insurance coverage in the individual market through a network plan, the health care insurer may do both of the following:

1. Limit the individuals who may be enrolled under health insurance coverage to those who live, reside or work within the service area for a network plan.

2. Within the service area of a network plan, deny health insurance coverage to individuals if the health care insurer has demonstrated, if required, to the director that both:

(a) The health care insurer will not have the capacity to deliver services adequately to additional individual enrollees because of the health care insurer's obligations to existing group contract holders and enrollees and individual enrollees.

(b) The health care insurer is applying this paragraph uniformly to individuals without regard to any health status-related factor of the individuals and without regard to whether the individuals are eligible individuals.

F. A health care insurer may deny individual health insurance coverage in the individual market to an eligible individual if the health care insurer demonstrates to the director that the health care insurer:

1. Does not have the financial reserves necessary to underwrite additional coverage.

2. Is denying coverage uniformly to all individuals in the individual market in this state pursuant to state law and without regard to any health status-related factor of the individuals and without regard to whether the individuals are eligible individuals.

G. If a health care insurer denies health insurance coverage in this state pursuant to subsection F of this section, the health care insurer shall not offer that coverage in the individual market in this state for one hundred eighty days after the date the coverage is denied or until the health care insurer demonstrates to the director that the health care insurer has sufficient financial reserves to underwrite additional coverage, whichever is later.

H. An accountable health plan as defined in section 20-2301 that offers conversion policies on an individual or group basis in connection with a health benefits plan pursuant to this title is not a health care insurer that offers individual health insurance coverage solely because of the offer of a conversion policy.

I. Nothing in This section does not:

1. Creates Create additional restrictions on the amount of the premium rates that a health care insurer may charge an individual for health insurance coverage provided in the individual market.

2. Prevents Prevent a health care insurer that offers health insurance coverage in the individual market from establishing premium rates or modifying otherwise applicable copayments or deductibles in return for adherence to programs of health promotion and disease prevention.

3. Requires Require a health care insurer that offers only short-term limited duration insurance or limited benefit coverage to individuals and no other coverage to individuals in the individual market to offer individual health insurance coverage in the individual market.

4. Requires Require a health care insurer offering health care coverage only on a group basis or through one or more bona fide associations, or both, to offer health insurance coverage in the individual market.

J. A health care insurer shall provide, without charge, a written certificate of creditable coverage as described in this section for creditable coverage occurring after June 30, 1996 if the individual:

1. Ceases to be covered under a policy offered by a health care insurer. An individual who is covered by a policy that is issued on a group basis by a health care insurer, that is terminated or not renewed at the choice of the sponsor of the group and where the replacement of the coverage is without a break in coverage is not entitled to receive the certification prescribed in this paragraph but is instead entitled to receive the certification prescribed in paragraph 2 of this subsection.

2. Requests certification from the health care insurer within twenty-four months after the coverage under a health insurance coverage policy offered by a health care insurer ceases.

K. The certificate of creditable coverage provided by a health care insurer is a written certification of the period of creditable coverage of the individual under the health insurance coverage offered by the health care insurer. The department may enforce and monitor the issuance and delivery of the notices and certificates by health care insurers as required by this section, section 20-1380, the health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996 (P.L. 104-191; 110 Stat. 1936) and any federal regulations adopted to implement the health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996. notwithstanding any other law, an insurer is not required to provide a certificate of creditable coverage if the federal laws that require providing a certificate of creditable coverage are superseded by the prohibition on preexisting condition EXCLUSIONS.

L. Any health care insurer, accountable health plan or other entity that issues health care coverage in this state, as applicable, shall issue and accept a certificate of creditable coverage of the individual that contains at least the following information:

1. The date that the certificate is issued.

2. The name of the individual or dependent for whom the certificate applies and any other information that is necessary to allow the issuer providing the coverage specified in the certificate to identify the individual, including the individual's identification number under the policy and the name of the policyholder if the certificate is for or includes a dependent.

3. The name, address and telephone number of the issuer providing the certificate.

4. The telephone number to call for further information regarding the certificate.

5. One of the following:

(a) A statement that the individual has at least eighteen months of creditable coverage. For the purposes of this subdivision, "eighteen months" means five hundred forty-six days.

(b) Both the date that the individual first sought coverage, as evidenced by a substantially complete application, and the date that creditable coverage began.

6. The date creditable coverage ended, unless the certificate indicates that creditable coverage is continuing from the date of the certificate.

7. The consumer assistance telephone number for the department.

8. The following statement in at least fourteen-point type:

Important Notice!

Keep this certificate with your important personal records to protect your rights under the health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996 ("HIPAA"). This certificate is proof of your prior health insurance coverage. You may need to show this certificate to have a guaranteed right to buy new health insurance ("Guaranteed issue"). This certificate may also help you avoid waiting periods or exclusions for preexisting conditions. Under HIPAA, these rights are guaranteed only for a very short time period. After your group coverage ends, you must apply for new coverage within 63 days to be protected by HIPAA. If you have questions, call the Arizona department of insurance and financial institutions.

M. A health care insurer has satisfied the certification requirement under this section if the insurer offering the health benefits plan provides the certificate of creditable coverage in accordance with this section within thirty days after the event that triggered the issuance of the certificate.

N. Periods of creditable coverage for an individual are established by the presentation of the certificate described in this section and section 20-2310. In addition to the written certificate of creditable coverage as described in this section, individuals may establish creditable coverage through the presentation of documents or other means.  In order to make a determination that is based on the relevant facts and circumstances of the amount of creditable coverage that an individual has, a health care insurer shall take into account all information that the insurer obtains or that is presented to the insurer on behalf of the individual.

O. A health care insurer shall calculate creditable coverage according to the following rules:

1. The health care insurer shall allow an individual credit for each day the individual was covered by creditable coverage.

2. The health care insurer shall not count a period of creditable coverage for an individual enrolled under any form of health insurance coverage if after the period of coverage and before the enrollment date there were sixty-three consecutive days during which the individual was not covered by any creditable coverage.

3. The health care insurer shall not include any period that an individual is in a waiting period or an affiliation period for any health coverage or is awaiting action by a health care insurer on an application for the issuance of health insurance coverage when the health care insurer determines the continuous period pursuant to paragraph 1 of this subsection.

4. The health care insurer shall not include any period that an individual is waiting for approval of an application for health care coverage, provided the individual submitted an application to the health care insurer for health care coverage within sixty-three consecutive days after the individual's most recent creditable coverage.

5. The health care insurer shall not count a period of creditable coverage with respect to enrollment of an individual if, after the most recent period of creditable coverage and before the enrollment date, sixty-three consecutive days lapse during all of which the individual was not covered under any creditable coverage. The health care insurer shall not include in the determination of the period of continuous coverage described in this section any period that an individual is in a waiting period for health insurance coverage offered by a health care insurer, is in a waiting period for benefits under a health benefits plan offered by an accountable health plan or is in an affiliation period.

6. In determining the extent to which an individual has satisfied any portion of any applicable preexisting condition period the health care insurer shall count a period of creditable coverage without regard to the specific benefits covered during that period.

P. An individual is an eligible individual if, on the date the individual seeks coverage pursuant to this section, the individual has an aggregate period of creditable coverage as defined and calculated pursuant to this section of at least eighteen months and all of the following apply:

1. The most recent creditable coverage for the individual was under a plan offered by:

(a) An employee welfare benefit plan that provides medical care to employees or the employees' dependents directly or through insurance, reimbursement or otherwise pursuant to the employee retirement income security act of 1974 (P.L. 93-406; 88 Stat. 829; 29 United States Code sections 1001 through 1461).

(b) A church plan as defined in the employee retirement income security act of 1974.

(c) A governmental plan as defined in the employee retirement income security act of 1974, including a plan established or maintained for its employees by the government of the United States or by any agency or instrumentality of the United States.

(d) An accountable health plan as defined in section 20-2301.

2. The individual is not eligible for coverage under:

(a) An employee welfare benefit plan that provides medical care to employees or the employees' dependents directly or through insurance, reimbursement or otherwise pursuant to the employee retirement income security act of 1974.

(b) A health benefits plan issued by an accountable health plan as defined in section 20-2301.

(c) Part A or part B of title XVIII of the social security act.

(d) Title 36, chapter 29 or any other plan established under title XIX of the social security act, and the individual does not have other health insurance coverage.

3. The most recent coverage within the coverage period was not terminated based on any factor described in section 20-2309, subsection B, paragraph 1 or 2 relating to nonpayment of premiums or fraud.

4. The individual was offered and elected the option of continuation coverage under a COBRA continuation provision pursuant to the consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act of 1985 (P.L. 99-272; 100 Stat. 82) or a similar state program.

5. The individual exhausted the continuation coverage pursuant to the consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act of 1985.

Q. Notwithstanding subsection P of this section, an individual is an eligible individual if:

1. The individual is an individual enrollee in a health care services organization that is domiciled in this state on the date that the health care services organization is declared insolvent, including any health care services organization that is not an accountable health plan as defined in section 20-2301.

2. The individual's coverage terminates during the delinquency proceeding, after the health care services organization is declared insolvent.

3. The individual satisfies the requirements of an eligible individual as prescribed in this section other than the required period of creditable coverage.

R. Notwithstanding subsection P of this section, a newborn child, adopted child or child placed for adoption is an eligible individual if the child was timely enrolled and otherwise would have met the definition of an eligible individual as prescribed in this section other than the required period of creditable coverage and the child is not subject to any preexisting condition exclusion or limitation if the child has been continuously covered under health insurance coverage or a health benefits plan offered by an accountable health plan since birth, adoption or placement for adoption.

S. If a health care insurer imposes a waiting period for coverage of preexisting conditions, within a reasonable period of time after receiving an individual's proof of creditable coverage and not later than the date by which the individual must select an insurance plan, the health care insurer shall give the individual written disclosure of the insurer's determination regarding any preexisting condition exclusion period that applies to that individual. The disclosure shall include all of the following information:

1. The period of creditable coverage allowed toward the waiting period for coverage of preexisting conditions.

2. The basis for the insurer's determination and the source and substance of any information on which the insurer has relied.

3. A statement of any right the individual may have to present additional evidence of creditable coverage and to appeal the insurer's determination, including an explanation of any procedures for submission and appeal.

T. This section and section 20-1380 apply to all health insurance coverage that is offered, sold, issued, renewed, in effect or operated in the individual market after June 30, 1997, regardless of when a period of creditable coverage occurs.

U. For the purposes of this section and section 20-1380 as applicable:

1. "Affiliation period" has the same meaning prescribed in section 20-2301.

2. "Bona fide association" means, for health care coverage issued by a health care insurer, an association that meets the requirements of section 20-2324.

3. "Creditable coverage" means coverage solely for an individual, other than limited benefits coverage, under any of the following:

(a) An employee welfare benefit plan that provides medical care to employees or the employees' dependents directly or through insurance, reimbursement or otherwise pursuant to the employee retirement income security act of 1974.

(b) A church plan as defined in the employee retirement income security act of 1974.

(c) A health benefits plan issued by an accountable health plan as defined in section 20-2301.

(d) Part A or part B of title XVIII of the social security act.

(e) Title XIX of the social security act, other than coverage consisting solely of benefits under section 1928.

(f) Title 10, chapter 55 of the United States Code.

(g) A medical care program of the Indian health service or of a tribal organization.

(h) A health benefits risk pool operated by any state of the United States.

(i) A health plan offered pursuant to title 5, chapter 89 of the United States Code.

(j) A public health plan as defined by federal law.

(k) A health benefit plan pursuant to section 5(e) of the peace corps act (P.L. 87-293; 75 Stat. 612; 22 United States Code sections 2501 through 2523).

(l) A policy or contract, including short-term limited duration insurance, issued on an individual basis by an insurer, a health care services organization, a hospital service corporation, a medical service corporation or a hospital, medical, dental and optometric service corporation.

(m) A policy or contract issued by a health care insurer or an accountable health plan to a member of a bona fide association.

4. "Delinquency proceeding" has the same meaning prescribed in section 20-611.

5. "Different policy forms" means variations between policy forms offered by a health care insurer, including policy forms that have different cost sharing arrangements or different riders.

6. "Genetic information" means information about genes, gene products and inherited characteristics that may derive from the individual or a family member, including information regarding carrier status and information derived from laboratory tests that identify mutations in specific genes or chromosomes, physical medical examinations, family histories and direct analyses of genes or chromosomes.

7. "Health care insurer" means a disability insurer, group disability insurer, blanket disability insurer, health care services organization, hospital service corporation, medical service corporation or hospital, medical, dental and optometric service corporation.

8. "Health status-related factor" means any factor in relation to the health of the individual or a dependent of the individual enrolled or to be enrolled in a health care services organization including:

(a) Health status.

(b) Medical condition, including physical and mental illness.

(c) Claims experience.

(d) Receipt of health care.

(e) Medical history.

(f) Genetic information.

(g) Evidence of insurability, including conditions arising out of acts of domestic violence as defined in section 20-448.

(h) The existence of a physical or mental disability.

9. "Higher level of coverage" means a policy form for which the actuarial value of the benefits under the health insurance coverage offered by a health care insurer is at least fifteen percent more than the actuarial value of the health insurance coverage offered by the health care insurer as a lower level of coverage in this state but not more than one hundred twenty percent of a policy form weighted average.

10. "Individual health insurance coverage" means health insurance coverage offered by a health care insurer to individuals in the individual market but does not include limited benefit coverage or short-term limited duration insurance. A health care insurer that offers limited benefit coverage or short-term limited duration insurance to individuals and no other coverage to individuals in the individual market is not a health care insurer that offers health insurance coverage in the individual market.

11. "Limited benefit coverage" has the same meaning prescribed in section 20-1137.

12. "Lower level of coverage" means a policy form offered by a health care insurer for which the actuarial value of the benefits under the health insurance coverage is at least eighty-five percent but not more than one hundred percent of the policy form weighted average.

13. "Network plan" means a health care plan provided by a health care insurer under which the financing and delivery of health care services are provided, in whole or in part, through a defined set of providers either under contract with a health care insurer licensed pursuant to chapter 4, article 3 of this title or under contract with a health care insurer in accordance with the determination made by the director pursuant to section 20-1053 regarding the geographic or service area in which a health care insurer may operate.

14. "Policy form weighted average" means the average actuarial value of the benefits provided by a health care insurer that issues health coverage in this state that is provided by either the health care insurer or, if the data are available, by all health care insurers that issue health coverage in this state in the individual health coverage market during the previous calendar year, except coverage pursuant to this section, weighted by the enrollment for all coverage forms.

15. "Preexisting condition" means a condition, regardless of the cause of the condition, for which medical advice, diagnosis, care or treatment was recommended or received within not more than six months before the date of the enrollment of the individual under the health insurance policy or other contract that provides health coverage benefits.  A genetic condition is not a preexisting condition in the absence of a diagnosis of the condition related to the genetic information and shall not result in a preexisting condition limitation or preexisting condition exclusion.

16. "Preexisting condition limitation" or "preexisting condition exclusion" means a limitation or exclusion of benefits for a preexisting condition under a health insurance policy or other contract that provides health coverage benefits.

17. "Short-term limited duration insurance" has the same meaning prescribed in section 20-1384 and is not intended or marketed as health insurance coverage subject to guaranteed issuance or guaranteed renewal provisions of the laws of this state but is creditable coverage within the meaning of this section and section 20-2301. END_STATUTE

Sec. 8. Section 20-1382, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE20-1382. Health care insurers; reporting requirements

A. On or before March 1 of each year, each health care insurer shall submit to the director a written report that contains the following information:

1. The number of eligible individuals covered by policies that were written by that health care insurer in the individual market during the previous calendar year.

2. The number of individuals covered by policies that were issued other than to eligible individuals during the previous calendar year.

3. The earned premium for each category of individual policy for the previous calendar year.

4. The total number of eligible individuals covered by policies that were issued by the health care insurer as of the end of the previous calendar year.

B. Each health care insurer shall submit the following information to the department, if applicable, to demonstrate compliance with sections 20-1379, 20-1380 and 20-1381:

1. The health care insurer's name and address.

2. The identification, form number and summary of all products that the health care insurer offers in the individual market.

3. If the health care insurer elects the option prescribed in section 20-1379, subsection C, paragraph 2, subdivision (a) the data on premium volumes of all policy forms that the health care insurer offers in the individual market and the number of individuals who are covered under each form during the preceding calendar year.

4. If the health care insurer elects the option prescribed in section 20-1379, subsection C, paragraph 2, subdivision (b) the data, assumptions and methods used to calculate the actuarial values of the two representative policy forms.

5. An explanation of how the health care insurer is complying with sections 20-1379, 20-1380 and 20-1381.

6. A list of all products, including all marketing material, that the health care insurer is making or will make available to eligible individuals and an explanation of how the health care insurer will inform individuals of these policy forms.

7. A description of the risk spreading and financial subsidization mechanism.

C. The health care insurer shall submit the information described in subsection B of this section to the department by March 1 of each year.

D. If all or part of the information required by subsection B, paragraph 5, 6 or 7 of this section has not changed since the health care insurer's last previous submission, instead of refiling the information the health care insurer may indicate the information that has not changed.

e. notwithstanding any other law, an insurer is not required to comply with the reporting requirements of this section if the federal laws that require providing a certificate of creditable coverage are superseded by the prohibition on preexisting condition EXCLUSIONS. END_STATUTE

Sec. 9. Title 20, chapter 6, article 7, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 20-1510, to read:

START_STATUTE20-1510. Flood insurance; notification

An insurer that is authorized to transact property insurance and that insures residential property located in this state shall provide information to its policyholders through a website or other reasonable means of communication in understandable and nontechnical language about how to obtain flood insurance and the national flood insurance program."END_STATUTE

Renumber to conform

Page 12, strike lines 14 through 31

Strike pages 13 through 15

Page 16, strike lines 1 through 5, insert:

"Sec. 11. Section 20-2310, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE20-2310. Discrimination prohibited; preexisting conditions; wellness programs

A. Except as provided in subsection B of this section, a health benefits plan may not deny, limit or condition the coverage or benefits based on a person's health status-related factors or a lack of evidence of insurability.

B. A health benefits plan shall not exclude coverage for preexisting conditions, except that:

1. A health benefits plan may exclude coverage for preexisting conditions for a period of not more than twelve months or, in the case of a late enrollee, eighteen months. The exclusion of coverage does not apply to services that are furnished to newborns who were otherwise covered from the time of their birth or to persons who satisfy the portability requirements under section 20-2308.

2. The accountable health plan shall reduce the period of any applicable preexisting condition exclusion by the aggregate of the periods of creditable coverage that apply to the individual.

C. A health benefits plan shall not include an affiliation period in a policy unless the affiliation period satisfies the requirements prescribed in 45 Code of Federal Regulations section 146.119(b).

D. On request of a health benefits plan, a person who provides coverage during a period of continuous coverage with respect to a covered individual shall promptly disclose the coverage provided to the covered individual, the period of the coverage and the benefits provided under the coverage.

E. The accountable health plan shall calculate creditable coverage according to the following rules:

1. The accountable health plan shall give an individual credit for each day the individual was covered by creditable coverage.

2. The accountable health plan shall not count a period of creditable coverage for an individual enrolled in a health benefits plan if after the period of coverage and before the enrollment date there were sixty-three consecutive days during which the individual was not covered under any creditable coverage.

3. The accountable health plan shall give credit in the calculation of creditable coverage for any period that an individual is in a waiting period or an affiliation period for any health coverage.

4. The accountable health plan shall not count a period of creditable coverage with respect to enrollment of an individual if, after the most recent period of creditable coverage and before the enrollment date, sixty-three consecutive days lapse during all of which the individual was not covered under any creditable coverage.  The accountable health plan shall not include in the determination of the period of continuous coverage described in this section any period that an individual is in a waiting period for health insurance coverage offered by a health care insurer, is in a waiting period for benefits under a health benefits plan offered by an accountable health plan or is in an affiliation period.

5. In determining the extent to which an individual has satisfied any portion of any applicable preexisting condition period the accountable health plan shall count a period of creditable coverage without regard to the specific benefits covered during that period.

6. An accountable health plan shall not impose any preexisting condition exclusion in the case of an individual who is covered under creditable coverage thirty-one days after the individual's date of birth.

7. An accountable health plan shall not impose any preexisting condition exclusion in the case of a child who is adopted or placed for adoption before age eighteen and who is covered under creditable coverage thirty-one days after the adoption or placement for adoption.

F. An accountable health plan shall provide the certificate of creditable coverage described in subsection G of this section without charge for creditable coverage occurring after June 30, 1996 if the individual:

1. Ceases to be covered under a health benefits plan offered by an accountable health plan or otherwise becomes covered under a COBRA continuation provision.  An individual who is covered by a health benefits plan that is offered by an accountable health plan, that is terminated or not renewed at the choice of the employer and where the replacement of the health benefits plan is without a break in coverage is not entitled to receive the certification prescribed in this paragraph but is instead entitled to receive the certifications prescribed in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this subsection.

2. Who was covered under a COBRA continuation provision ceases to be covered under the COBRA continuation provision.

3. Requests certification from the accountable health plan within twenty-four months after the coverage under a health benefits plan offered by an accountable health plan ceases.

G. The certificate of creditable coverage provided by an accountable health plan is a written certification of:

1. The period of creditable coverage of the individual under the accountable health plan and any applicable coverage under a COBRA continuation provision.

2. Any applicable waiting period or affiliation period imposed on an individual for any coverage under the accountable health plan.

H. Any accountable health plan that issues health benefits plans in this state, as applicable, shall issue and accept a written certificate of creditable coverage of the individual that contains at least the following information:

1. The date that the certificate is issued.

2. The name of the individual or dependent for whom the certificate applies and any other information that is necessary to allow the issuer providing the coverage specified in the certificate to identify the individual, including the individual's identification number under the policy and the name of the policyholder if the certificate is for or includes a dependent.

3. The name, address and telephone number of the issuer providing the certificate.

4. The telephone number to call for further information regarding the certificate.

5. One of the following:

(a) A statement that the individual has at least eighteen months of creditable coverage. For the purposes of this subdivision, "eighteen months" means five hundred forty-six days.

(b) Both the date that the individual first sought coverage, as evidenced by a substantially complete application, and the date that creditable coverage began.

6. The date creditable coverage ended, unless the certificate indicates that creditable coverage is continuing from the date of the certificate.

7. The consumer assistance telephone number for the department.

8. The following statement in at least fourteen-point type:

Important notice!

Keep this certificate with your important personal records to protect your rights under the health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996 ("HIPAA"). This certificate is proof of your prior health insurance coverage.  You may need to show this certificate to have a guaranteed right to buy new health insurance ("Guaranteed issue"). This certificate may also help you avoid waiting periods or exclusions for preexisting conditions. Under HIPAA, these rights are guaranteed only for a very short time period.  After your group coverage ends, you must apply for new coverage within 63 days to be protected by HIPAA. If you have questions, call the Arizona department of insurance and financial institutions.

I. An accountable health plan may provide any certification pursuant to subsection F, paragraph 1 of this section at the same time the accountable health plan sends the notice required by the applicable COBRA continuation provision.

J. An accountable health plan has satisfied the certification requirement under this section if the accountable health plan offering the health benefits plan provides the prescribed certificate in accordance with this section within thirty days after the event that triggered the issuance of the certification.

K. If an accountable health plan imposes a waiting period for coverage of preexisting conditions, within a reasonable period of time after receiving an individual's proof of creditable coverage and not later than the date by which the individual must select an insurance plan, the accountable health plan shall give the individual written disclosure of the accountable health plan's determination regarding any preexisting condition exclusion period that applies to that individual. The disclosure shall include all of the following information:

1. The period of creditable coverage allowed toward the waiting period for coverage of preexisting conditions.

2. The basis for the accountable health plan's determination and the source and substance of any information on which the accountable health plan has relied.

3. A statement of any right the individual may have to present additional evidence of creditable coverage and to appeal the accountable health plan's determination, including an explanation of any procedures for submission and appeal.

L. Periods of creditable coverage for an individual are established by presentation of the written certifications described in this section and section 20-1379. In addition to written certification of the period of creditable coverage as described in this section, individuals may establish creditable coverage through the presentation of documents or other means.  In order to make a determination that is based on the relevant facts and circumstances of the amount of creditable coverage that an individual has, an accountable health plan shall take into account all information that the plan obtains or that is presented to the plan on behalf of the individual.

M. The department may enforce and monitor the issuance and delivery of the notices and certificates by accountable health plans and insurers as required by this section, the health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996 (P.L. 104-191; 110 Stat. 1936) and any federal regulations adopted to implement the health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996.

N. This section does not prohibit any health benefits plan from providing or offering to provide rewards or incentives under a wellness program that satisfies the requirements for an exception from the general prohibition against discrimination based on a health factor under the health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996 (P.L. 104-191; 110 stat. 1936), including any federal regulations that are adopted pursuant to that act.

O. notwithstanding any other law, an insurer is not required to provide a certificate of creditable coverage if the federal laws that require providing a certificate of creditable coverage are superseded by the prohibition on preexisting condition EXCLUSIONS. END_STATUTE

Sec. 12. Section 37-1302, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by Laws 2022, chapter 129, section 1, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE37-1302. Powers and duties of state forester; rules; legislative presentation; acceptance of federal law

A. The state forester is designated as the agent of this state and shall administer this chapter.  The state forester shall:

1. Exercise and perform all powers and duties vested in or imposed on the Arizona department of forestry and fire management.

2. Adopt rules necessary to discharge the powers and duties of the Arizona department of forestry and fire management, including rules that create efficiencies, protect the public health and safety and prescribe budgetary obligations.

3. Subject to title 41, chapter 4, article 4, appoint an assistant director to the office of the state fire marshal, a state fire training officer and a state fire resource coordinator, all of whom serve at the pleasure of the state forester.

4. Subject to title 41, chapter 4, article 4, employ, determine the terms and conditions of employment of and prescribe the duties and powers of administrative, professional, technical, secretarial, clerical and other persons as may be necessary in the performance of the Arizona department of forestry and fire management's duties. The compensation of department employees shall be as determined pursuant to section 38-611.

5. Contract for the services of outside advisors, consultants and aides as may be reasonably necessary.

6. Perform all management and administrative functions assigned or delegated to this state by the United States relating to forestry and financial assistance and grants relating to forestry and wildfire prevention, mitigation and suppression activities. The state forester shall obtain and maintain a copy of the initial and any revised delegation of authority agreement entered into with the United States.

7. Identify sources of information relating to forest management, including wildfire prevention, mitigation, suppression and recovery and administrative and judicial appeals and litigation with respect to timber sales and forest thinning projects in this state, and develop procedures for compiling and distributing that information.

8. Take necessary action to maximize state fire assistance grants, including establishing timelines for using grant monies and reallocating lapsed grant monies to other projects.

9. Conduct education and outreach in forest communities by explaining the wildfire threat to private property caused by the lack of timber harvesting, forest thinning, land management and watershed protection and enhancement.

10. Monitor and conduct forestry projects and wildfire prevention, mitigation and suppression activities.

11. Assist in the development of the forestry products industry in this state.

12. Intervene on behalf of this state and its citizens in administrative and judicial appeals and litigation that challenge governmental efforts supported by the state forester if the state forester determines that intervention is in the best interests of this state.

13. Annually develop and implement a comprehensive statewide wildfire response plan for the deployment of state, county, municipal, fire district, volunteer fire association and private fire service provider contract resources to wildfire suppression activities. The statewide wildfire response plan shall take into account anticipated fire conditions and fire severity and may include prepositioning resources as necessary.  The state forester shall consult with federal land management firefighting agencies, state and county emergency agencies, municipal fire departments, fire districts, statewide fire district and statewide fire chiefs associations, volunteer fire departments and private fire contractors in the development of the comprehensive statewide wildfire response plan, the implementation of standards for training and certification for all classes of wildland fire and hazard personnel and the implementation of standards for wildland fire apparatus and equipment that are deployed under cooperative agreements with the state forester.

14. Make available to the department of insurance and financial institutions the list of areas that have been designated as high risk for wildfire.

14. 15. Provide necessary oversight to ensure standardized training and certification for all classifications of firefighters to be deployed to any incident.

15. 16. Develop recommendations for minimum standards for safeguarding life and property from wildland fires and fire hazards, preventing wildland fires and alleviating fire hazards.

16. 17. Develop recommendations for minimum standards for the storage, sale, distribution and use of dangerous chemicals, combustibles, flammable liquids, explosives and radioactive materials in wildland-urban interface areas.

17. 18. Consult with the department of public safety, the department of emergency and military affairs and local governments regarding the establishment of fire evacuation routes and community alert systems.

18. 19. Make recommendations for minimum standards for the creation of defensible spaces in and around wildland-urban interface areas as authorized by existing county and municipal laws and ordinances.

B. During the first regular session of each legislature, the state forester shall present information to the legislative committees with jurisdiction over forestry issues. The state forester shall collaborate with, and invite the participation of, relevant state, federal and local governmental officers and agencies. A written report is not required, but the presentation shall include information concerning:

1. Forestry management, including the current conditions of the forests in this state on federal, state and private property as affected by federal, state and local public policies, climatic conditions, wildfire hazards, pest infestations, overgrowth and overgrowth control policies and methods and the effects of current federal policy on forest management and impacts on forest land management.

2. The wildland-urban interface, including the effects of county and municipal zoning policies and wildfire hazards on public and private property.

3. Wildfire emergency management and all hazard response issues, including:

(a) Intergovernmental and interagency primacy, cooperation, coordination, roles and training of federal, state and local forestry, firefighting and law enforcement agencies.

(b) Channels and methods of communicating emergency information to the public.

(c) The roles of governmental and nongovernmental disaster relief agencies and organizations.

(d) The level of federal, state and local emergency funding.

C. The state forester may:

1. Furnish technical advice to the people of this state on forestry and land management matters.

2. Do all other acts necessary to take advantage of and carry out the provisions of the act of Congress described in subsection D of this section.

D. This state accepts the provisions of the cooperative forestry assistance act of 1978 (P.L. 95-313; 92 Stat. 365; 16 United States Code chapter 41) providing for federal forestry assistance programs to states." END_STATUTE

Amend title to conform







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