Reference to: House engrossed bill
Amendment drafted by: Leg Council
1. Specifies monies in the Military Transitional Housing Fund (Fund) consist of donations and undesignated federal monies for which military transitional housing is eligible.
2. Requires monies in the Fund be deposited by the Governor and be spent on newly constructed transitional housing, in cooperation with veteran owned and operated nonprofit organizations and for-profit organizations that serve military members and veterans that serve military members transitioning to veteran status.
3. Requires Fund monies be spent for developing projects and programs to provide transitional housing opportunities for military members separating from the military to be housed in newly constructed housing facilities.
4. Defines undesignated federal monies.
5. Makes technical and conforming changes.
Second Regular Session H.B. 2664
(Reference to House engrossed bill)
Page 1, line 4, strike "and"
Line 5, after "report" insert "; definition"
Line 6, strike "and"
Line 9, strike "stimulus monies or infrastructure monies" insert "donations and undesignated federal monies for which military transitional housing is eligible"
Line 11, strike "spent on approval of the governor for developing" insert "DEPOSITED in the fund by order of the governor and shall be spent on"
Line 13, after the second "organizations" strike remainder of line insert "that serve"
Line 14, after "members" insert "who are transitioning to veteran status"
Line 17, after "provide" insert "transitional"; strike "for military and transitional housing"
Line 18, strike "former"
Line 27, strike "and"
After line 43, insert:
"F. For the purposes of this section, "Undesignated federal monies" means federal stimulus monies and monies originating from federal affordable housing legislation, the United States department of veterans affairs or the United States department of housing and urban development that have not been allocated or approved for a specific purpose or project within three months after the applicable expenditure deadline for the monies."
Amend title to conform