State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: H.C.R. 2027

            Mesnard Floor Amendment

            Reference to: Appropriations Committee Amendment

            Amendment drafted by: Leg Council





1.   Expands the definition of first responder to include Arizona National Guard members and Correctional officers at the Arizona Department of Corrections, thereby making their spouses and children eligible to receive the state death benefit.

2.   Caps the state death benefit at $250,000, rather than the difference between $1,000,000 and the sum of any other death benefits received from governmental entities.

3.   Requires the State Treasurer to pay the death benefit within 30 days of receiving written notice of a first responder's death from the first responder's employer.

4.   Requires the death benefit to be paid to the first responder's surviving spouse, or if the first responder does not have a surviving spouse, the death benefit must be divided equally among the first responder's children.

5.   Repeals the state death benefit and the state supplemental benefit fund on January 1, 2032.

6.   Specifies that the new two percent surcharge is only to be collected from the effective date of this legislation to January 1, 2032.

7.   Removes the delayed effective date.

8.   Makes technical and conforming changes.







Fifty-fifth Legislature                                                   Mesnard

Second Regular Session                                                H.C.R. 2027





(Reference to APPROPRIATIONS Committee amendment)



Page 1, line 1, strike "enacting" insert "resolving"

Page 2, line 8, after "C." insert "Beginning on the effective date of this amendment to this section through December 31, 2031,"

Page 3, line 31, after "K." insert "Beginning on the effective date of this amendment to this section through December 31, 2031,"

Page 10, line 26, after "13-1204" insert "and includes a member of the Arizona national guard who is on state active duty in this state and a correctional officer who is employed by the state department of corrections"

Lines 31 and 32, strike "from and after December 31, 2022" insert "on the effective date of this section"

Page 11, line 1, after the comma insert "on written notice to the state treasurer from the first responder's employer"; after "pay" insert "a state death benefit of $250,000"

Line 2, after "spouse" insert a period strike remainder of line

Strike lines 3 and 4, insert "If the first responder does not have a surviving spouse and has children, the state shall pay a state death benefit of $250,000, divided equally, among the first responder's children.  The state shall pay the death benefit within thirty days after receiving the written notice from the first responder's employer."

Between lines 10 and 11, insert:

"Sec. 4. Delayed repeal

Title 38, chapter 8, article 4, Arizona Revised Statutes, as added by this act, is repealed from and after December 31, 2031."

Renumber to conform

Page 14, strike lines 3 through 7

Renumber to conform

Amend title to conform







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