BILL #    SCR 1012

TITLE:    legislature; ninety house districts

SPONSOR:   Mesnard

STATUS:   As Introduced

PREPARED BY:   Micaela Larkin






If approved at the 2022 General Election, a total of 120 legislators would be elected in November 2032 elections and seated in January 2033.  This would change the composition of the legislature from 30 geographic districts represented by 2 members of the House of Representatives to 90 House districts each represented by a member and to 30 Senate districts (each consisting of 3 separate House districts).


Estimated Impact


We estimate that the bill would result in several different fiscal impacts, which would include, but not be limited to:


· Legislator salary and benefits for 30 additional members at a current cost of $1.7 million.

· Other House personnel staffing costs including members' assistants and other staff, which will depend on future staffing decisions.

· Additional House office space, the cost of which will depend on the construction of new space or the renovation of existing space on the Capitol Mall.


The Secretary of State's Office believes the bill may increase costs to counties for administering elections but did not specify a number.  We have asked the counties if they have their own estimates.




We based our estimate for the additional 30 members on current expenses for a 100-day session with 18 new members from Maricopa County, and 12 members from outside of Maricopa County.  The cost of $51,208 for a new Maricopa County member and $68,408 for a non-Maricopa County member assumes a $24,000 salary, a benefits cost of 98.78% assuming all members utilize health insurance at a cost of $7,100 per member, per diem of $35 per day for 18 new members from Maricopa County, and $207 per day for members from other counties.  This does not include potential operating costs (staffing, equipment, and space) as those costs will depend on future staffing decisions and construction or renovation of existing space on the Capitol Mall.


Local Government Impact


The Secretary of State's Office believes the bill may increase the cost of administering elections by increasing the number of different ballots.  The Office did not provide an estimated cost to the counties for such provisions.  We have asked the counties if they have their own estimates.

