(Reference to printed bill)
Page 1, line 4, strike "definition" insert "definitions"
Between lines 35 and 36:
"1. at least six months before publishing a copy of the petition for incorporation of a community pursuant to paragraph 2 of this subsection, provide to the board written notice of their intention to publish a copy of the petition for incorporation of the community. The written notice shall also be published for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the area to be affected."
Renumber to conform
Line 38, after "weeks" insert "at least six months after providing written notice to the board pursuant to paragraph 1 of this subsection"
Line 42, strike "1" insert "2"
Page 2, line 4, strike "1" insert "2"
Line 41, strike the comma insert ":
Page 3, between lines 2 and 3, insert:
"2. "uninhabited" includes land owned by a mining or metallurgical company."
Line 6, strike "six miles"
Line 7, strike "one mile" insert "six miles"
Line 8, after the comma strike remainder of line
Strike lines 9 and 10
Page 3, line 11, strike "population of less than five thousand persons" insert "having a population of five thousand or more persons, and all territory within three miles of any incorporated city or town, as the same now exists or may hereafter be established, having a population of less than five thousand persons"
Page 4, after line 28, insert:
"f. if a planned community association as defined in section 33-1802, during the period of declarant control, notifies the board of its request to be excluded from the petition to incorporate, the board shall exclude from the community proposed to be incorporated the area or portion of the area covered by the planned community association after the petition has been submitted pursuant to section 9-101, subsection c, paragraph 3. The PETITIONERS are not REQUIRED to resubmit a petition if the remaining area proposed for incorporation meets the population qualifications for incorporation pursuant to this section and section 9-101. If the remaining area proposed for incorporation fails to meet the population qualifications for incorporation pursuant to this section OR section 9-101, the board shall reject the petition."
Amend title to conform