Second Regular Session S.B. 1377
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 5, line 19, after the period insert "The person must complete the educational course of instruction in off-highway vehicle safety and ENVIRONMENTAL ethics as prescribed in section 28-1175 and provide proof to the department of transportation of the completion before the department of transportation may issue a resident or nonresident off-highway vehicle user indicia to the person."
Page 6, line 17, strike "section" insert "sections"; after "28-1182" insert "and 28-1183"
Between lines 26 and 27, insert:
"28-1183. Rental companies; sales; education materials
Before a person may rent or sell an off-highway vehicle to a customer, the person must provide the customer with off-highway vehicle safety and environmental educational materials that are approved by the Arizona game and fish department."
Amend title to conform