Fifty-fifth Legislature                                                Government

Second Regular Session                                                  H.B. 2780




(Reference to House engrossed bill)


Page 1, line 5, after "storage" insert "; definition"

Line 6, before "Notwithstanding" insert "A."

Line 9, after the comma insert "including their names and addresses, and"

Line 11, after "redact" strike remainder of line

Strike line 12

Line 13, strike "portion of that number, as applicable," insert "personal identifying information"

Line 15, strike "five days before the" insert "not later than forty-eight hours after the delivery of the official"

Line 16, after "other" insert "county"

Line 17, after "shall" strike remainder of line insert "submit to the secretary of state who shall immediately publish online in a convenient DOWNLOADABLE format"

Line 19, after "voted" insert "in the election, including their names and addresses,"; after the period insert "The county recorder or other county officer in charge of elections shall redact all the voters' personal identifying information before submitting the list to the secretary of state."

Line 22, after "other" insert "county"

Line 27, after "The" insert "county"

After line 29, insert:

"5. A person shall not use for commercial purposes a Voter list that is PUBLISHED or posted pursuant to this section. The total number of protected voters shall be included on the lists prescribed by this section without including any names, addresses or other information for those protected voters.

B. For the purposes of this SECTION, "personal identifying information" means the voter's month and day of birth only, driver license number, nonoperating IDENTIFICATION license number, social SECURITY number or portion of that number, as applicable, Indian census number, father's name, mother's maiden name, state and country of birth and the records that contain a voter's signature and a voter's email address."

Amend title to conform







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