ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-fifth Legislature Second Regular Session |
House: APPROP DP 11-1-0-1 |
HB 2035: appropriations; PSPRS; CORP; unfunded liability
Sponsor: Representative Cook, LD 8
House Engrossed
Appropriates $1,575,349,400 from the state General Fund (GF) in FY 2022 to the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System (PSPRS) to reduce unfunded accrued liability for state agencies.
PSPRS was established in 1968 to provide a uniform statewide retirement program for public safety personnel (A.R.S. § 38-841). It is a defined benefit pension plan that is organized into local boards for different employing agencies (A.R.S. § 38-847). Employing agencies make contributions based on: 1) the normal cost associated with the retirement benefit; and 2) the unfunded accrued liability, which is based on prior benefits that are actuarially determined to be unfunded (A.R.S. § 38-843).
The Corrections Officer Retirement Plan (CORP), which is administered by PSPRS, is similarly organized into local boards and has a similar contribution structure (A.R.S. §§ 38-891, 38-893).
Laws 2021, Ch. 408 appropriated $500,000,000 in FY 2021 to reduce the Department of Public Safety (DPS) unfunded accrued liability in PSPRS and $500,000,000 in FY 2021 to reduce the Department of Corrections (ADC) unfunded accrued liability in CORP.
Other PSPRS and CORP Groups (Sec. 1)
Appropriates the following sums from the
GF to PSPRS group employer accounts as a FY 2022 supplemental appropriation to
reduce the unfunded accrued liability:
Agency |
Appropriation |
Arizona Game and Fish Department |
$97,293,000 |
Arizona State University Campus Police |
$23,565,000 |
University of Arizona Campus Police |
$15,645,900 |
Attorney General Investigators |
$9,117,700 |
Arizona State Parks Board Rangers |
$8,820,600 |
Department of Emergency and Military Affairs |
$8,542,800 |
Northern Arizona University Campus Police |
$7,725,600 |
Department of Liquor Licenses and Control |
$7,628,900 |
2. Appropriates the following sums from the GF to CORP group employer accounts as a FY 2022 supplemental appropriation to reduce the unfunded accrued liability:
Agency |
Appropriation |
Administrative Office of the Courts – Probation |
$421,263,000 |
Department of Juvenile Corrections |
$73,940,800 |
Department of Public Safety Dispatchers |
$6,352,000 |
Department of Public Safety Detention Officers |
$309,200 |
3. Directs the Board of Trustees of PSPRS to account for the appropriations to the PSPRS group employer accounts and the CORP group employer accounts in the June 30, 2022 actuarial valuations for the purposes of employee and employer contribution rates in FY 2024.
DPS and ADC Groups (Sec. 2)
4. Appropriates $420,559,600 from the GF as a supplemental FY 2022 appropriation to reduce the unfunded accrued liability of the DPS PSPRS group.
5. Appropriates $474,635,100 from the GF as a supplemental FY 2022 appropriation to reduce the unfunded accrued liability of the ADC CORP group.
6. Directs the Board of Trustees of PSPRS to account for the appropriations to the DPS PSPRS group and the ADC CORP group in the June 30, 2022 actuarial valuations for the purposes of employee and employer contribution rates in FY 2024.
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10. HB 2035
11. Initials AF Page 0 House Engrossed
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