ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-fifth Legislature Second Regular Session |
HB 2279: school districts; lapsing
Sponsor: Representative Fillmore, LD 16
Committee on Education
Allows a school district to be lapsed if it has a student count of less than 150, rather than 8, for one school year. Alters the process to declare a school district lapsed.
Currently, a county school superintendent may suspend a common school district if the common school district has had a student count of less than eight pupils between the ages of 6 and 21 for one school year. Upon suspension, the county school superintendent must report the suspension and reasons to the common school district and the county board of supervisors.
The county school superintendent may provide the common school district additional time to recruit more pupils. However, if the common school district has a student count of less than eight pupils at the end of the additional time, the county board of supervisors may declare the common school district lapsed. The county board of supervisors may then attach the lapsed school district's territory to one or more adjoining school districts, dispose of the lapsed school district's property and apply the proceeds to the credit of the lapsed school district. The county school superintendent must determine all unbonded indebtedness of the lapsed school district and draw a warrant on the county treasurer. Any balance remaining after an unbonded indebtedness payment must be transferred to the county school fund (A.R.S. § 15-469).
1. Specifies that a county school superintendent may recommend suspension of a school district that has had a student count of less than 150 pupils for one school year to the county board of supervisors. (Sec. 1)
2. States the county board of supervisors may declare the school district lapsed and:
a) Attach the lapsed school district's territory to one or more adjoining school districts;
b) Dispose of the lapsed school district's property and apply the proceeds to the credit of the lapsed school district. (Sec. 1)
3. Directs the county school superintendent to determine all unbonded indebtedness of the lapsed school district and draw a warrant on the county treasurer in payment of the unbonded indebtedness. (Sec. 1)
4. Provides that any balance remaining after an unbonded indebtedness payment is to be transferred to the county school fund. (Sec. 1)
5. Makes technical and conforming changes. (Sec. 1)
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9. HB 2279
10. Initials CH Page 0 Education
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